Chapter 56: Final Gym Battle?

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Ash stood at the head of his group, staring up at the Snowbelle Gym in front of him. Sycamore had just dropped them off before heading to an appointment he had with a researcher in town.

Ash took a deep breath. This was it. His last chance to win his eighth gym badge to enter the Kalos League. He didn't care about Diantha's free pass. He'd worked too hard to travel around Kalos and earn the first seven badges. Not to mention, he had a score to settle with Wulfric.

"Ash, are you ok?" A hand rested softly on his shoulder and he turned to see Serena looking at him in concern. Clearly she knew he was remembering the last visit to the gym. Not only had it been a blow to his quest for badges, but it had also been a strain on their relationship.

Ash didn't bother with a fake confident smile. He actually was pretty nervous. Wulfric had completely overwhelmed him last time. It didn't matter that he'd been distracted with what was happening with Serena. He'd been outclassed.

Obviously he'd regained his battling form soon after and had even emerged much stronger for a while. However, Ash had lost, at least for now, the abilities he had possessed both from the Sundial and his natural aura gift.

Serena coughed loudly, apparently to get Ash's attention. He quickly shook his head to clear his mind. Nervousness wasn't going to hold him back. He needed to do this. And with Serena with him, along with Clemont, Bonnie and his Pokemon, nothing was going to stop him. This was one step towards finally accomplishing his dream. One step towards a life in Kalos with Serena.

"Let's go show Wulfric how ready I am," Ash said, and he narrowed his eyes and marched forward.

When he entered the gym, Ash was almost expecting it. Wulfric was standing right in front of the door to the battlefield. "Welcome back," the Snowbelle Gym leader said. "I've been expecting you."

"I hope you're ready," Ash said confidently. "This time it's you that needs to worry about how prepared you are."

Wulfric laughed. "Interesting. Well, how about we get started?"

Ash nodded and followed Wulfric through the doors to the battlefield. Just before entering, he looked back and locked eyes with Serena. He didn't need any words. Her reassuring smile gave him whatever confidence he may have been lacking. He then turned and entered through the door.

Once Ash and Wulfric took their places on opposite ends of the ice field, they each pulled out their first pokeball, eager to get things started. However, they were interrupted as the referee scrambled to explain the rules.

"This will be a three on three battle, between Ash, the challenger, and Wulfric, the Snowbelle gym leader. Only the challenger may substitute Pokemon. Once all Pokemon for one trainer are unable to battle, the other will be declared the winner. Do you agree?" Ash and Wulfric both nodded their agreement. "Then let the battle begin!"

Wulfric quickly threw out his first pokeball and revealed his Cryogonal, once again as his first choice. Before Ash threw out his pokeball, he took one more look towards Serena, who was now sitting in the stands with Bonnie and Clemont. This was for her. He looked back towards Wulfric and his Cryogonal. Time for some revenge.

"Talonflame, I choose you!" Ash yelled, and his faithful fire and flying type emerged, spinning through the air with some impressive flying, before landing in front of his trainer.

"I'll be interested to see if Talonflame can put up a better fight this time," Wulfric said. Then he narrowed his eyes. "Cryogonal, use hail." Immediately, the cold temperature in the gym became colder, and the hard bits of ice began to fall. Wulfric had been quick to give himself the advantage.

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