Chapter 51: The Battle of Lumiose City Part 6

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Serena stared at the strange Pokemon in front of Ash, completely dumbfounded. She had no idea what it was, why it had saved her and why Ash seemed to recognize it. She realized she probably shouldn't argue with the whole thing, though. She decided to just be grateful it had decided to show up at this point. That hyper beam to the face likely wouldn't have been very fun.

Suddenly, the Pokemon that had saved her teleported and in the next moment, it was hovering right next to her. The net she was in immediately ripped apart and she expected to fall, but there was a definite feeling of weightlessness. The Pokemon reached out and held her shoulder and she blinked in surprise. However, once she opened her eyes again, she was hovering in front of Ash and was then dropped in front of him on Charizard.

"Serena!" Ash yelled happily, hugging her tightly.

As weird as the situation was, Serena ignored all that and hugged him back. Who knew what would happen now between Team Rocket, Lysandre, Zygarde and Squishy? It was terrifying, of course, but at least she was with Ash. Nothing seemed as bad as it was only a few moments ago.

Are you alright? Serena stared in shock at the Pokemon that had saved her. He was looking at her. Was it him that had spoken?

"This is Mewtwo." Ash explained quickly. "He' old friend I guess. He uses telepathy to speak. I'll explain later when," he gestured to everything around them, "this is done."

"Oh..." Serena looked at Mewtwo. "Yeah, I'm alright. Thank you, Mewtwo."

Good. Mewtwo suddenly looked to the ground and Serena could see that a large group of Pokemon were coming out of the woods. Many of them looked normal, although quite a few also seemed to have strange markings on them.My friends have arrived. I had to come a little ahead of them, because I could sense what Giovanni was going to do.

When Mewtwo said this, Serena looked up towards where Giovanni was standing in his helicopter. He was staring at Mewtwo, looking completely stunned. "What...are you?" He finally said. "Are you a Pokemon?"

Mewtwo seemed to actually laugh for a moment. Yes, I happen to be a Pokemon. I happen to exist, because of you. Giovanni stared at him with more confusion and then Mewtwo waved a hand in the air and Giovanni's eyes became glassy for a moment.

"What are you doing?" Ash suddenly asked, fear in his voice. "He'll just go straight for your sanctuary."

I only returned his memories of when he funded the lab that created me and what he did to me afterwards. Mewtwo replied. I have no intention of him finding my sanctuary.

"Then why not take his memory of all this? That would save time." Ash asked. Serena nodded, thinking it was a good question.

Easier to give than to take. Mewtwo explained.

"You...your my Pokemon." Giovanni suddenly said causing them to all look at the Team Rocket leader.

Serena could see that this made Mewtwo pretty mad. Ash is the one who spoke up though. "Mewtwo doesn't belong to anyone!" He yelled. "All you did was try to use him for evil." Now that Giovanni didn't have leverage, she realized Ash was pretty confident in his chances at beating the Team Rocket leader. Not to mention, they had Mewtwo as well.

Then, shocking everyone who was observing the scene with Giovanni and Mewtwo, a loud roar was heard behind them. Serena turned and saw Lysandre's Zygarde suddenly shove away Squishy, who was looking exhausted. Then, he reared his head back and fired a dragon pulse that slammed into Squishy, firing him towards the forest where Team Rocket had emerged from. Then, Zygarde looked towards them.

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