Chapter 26: Mega Evolved Rivalry

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Ash was ready for this and he knew Greninja was as well. He could already feel their emotions syncing up. He could sense the excitement from everyone. This was going to be a heated battle between two extremely competitive and powerful Pokemon. The first five battles meant nothing to either Greninja or Sceptile. Winning or losing this was winning or losing the entire thing.

Ash looked at Sawyer. "Ready to get this going?"

"Sceptile, mega evolve!" Sawyer yelled in answer. There was a blinding, white light that enveloped Sceptile and Sawyer. Everyone covered their eyes, to shield from the brightness. Finally, Ash looked up and his jaw dropped, seeing Mega Sceptile for the first time. He was much larger and much more intimidating. His claws were accentuated with two razor sharp leaves on each side of his wrist. He also had a four-edged plumage of leaves covering his chest and shoulders. His tail, which was spiked on the end with a red tip and also red stripes circling it, also was accentuated with a bush of leaves. He also had a line of red down his back. Down the red stripe on his back, were multiple pairs of yellow, red and orange seeds.

Ash stared at Sawyer and his Pokemon in shock for a moment and then smiled. "Greninja, how about we show them how it's done." Greninja glared at Sceptile for a moment and then turned to Ash and nodded. He was enveloped in a sphere of water and glowed in a faint white light. The water sphere exploded and sprayed around him. He stood there in his own special form that so resembled Ash's appearance. His skin was a brighter blue, much like Ash's jacket. He had two outer black fins, much like Ash's hair, and a red middle fin, similar to Ash's hat. The four-edged fin on his back, that resembled a ninja star, glowed light blue on his back.

Clemont signalled for the battle to continue and Sawyer called out the first attack. "Sceptile, dragon pulse!"

"Double team!" Ash countered.

Sceptile launched the blast of energy that took the form of a dragon and it sped towards Greninja. The frog-ninja Pokemon was too fast, however, and quickly multiplied, making about thirty copies of himself that surrounded Sceptile.

"Leaf storm!" Sawyer ordered. Sceptile raised his tail and a tornado of leaves swirled around him and enveloped the copies of Greninja. Sceptile curled his tail and the storm of leaves lifted up above him and Ash could see it was empty.

"Great job, Greninja. Aerial ace!" Ash yelled. From what seemed like out of nowhere, Greninja leaped down from the air towards Sceptile, who turned in shock. Greninja was now covered in his water veil and he had two blades of white energy crossed out in front of him.

"Leaf blade!" Sawyer quickly yelled. Sceptile's arms quickly glowed in a green light and he held one up to counter Greninja's strike. The frog-ninja Pokemon swung down with one blade and it slammed against Sceptile's leaf blade. Their power was even and they struggled against each other for a moment before both strikes swung back. Then, at the same time, they swung forward again, with their other arms. Greninja's blade was a little faster and was barely blocked in time by Sceptile's leaf blade. Again, they struggled against each other, but neither could gain leverage and they were both blown back from each other.

"This is a great battle." Ash said happily.

Sawyer nodded. "But don't think you can win this time. With even power, the type advantage gives Sceptile the edge."

Ash shook his head. "Greninja doesn't care about that and neither do I." Greninja looked back at him and nodded confidently. Ash nodded back and then Greninja turned back to face Sceptile. Suddenly, a feeling of pure desire to win filled Ash. It filled him with determination and new energy. He thrust out his arm and Greninja did the same, his water veil growing around him and vibrating rapidly. "Use cut!" Ash yelled and he heard Greninja yell at the same moment.

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