Chapter 17: A Plan in Place

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Serena woke up early the next morning. She blinked her eyes to get the sleep out of them and then looked around the cave. Pikachu had been sleeping next to her, but he was now up as well, just as keen as her to get moving. She saw that Greninja and Delphox were sleeping pretty close to each other and that brought a smile to her face. She looked at the entrance to the cave where Ash's other Pokemon were. Pidgeot had one of his large wings out to cover Hawlucha and Talonflame. Noivern was close to them, but apparently didn't need the warmth.

"Hi Serena." Serena turned around to see Bonnie stretching. She looked funny stretching in her Tyrantrum pajamas.

Serena smiled. "Hi Bonnie. Sleep well?" She asked.

Bonnie shrugged. "I guess, but I definitely want to go and help Ash." She looked at Clemont with a distasteful look. "Wake up Clemont!" She yelled all of a sudden. She looked around guiltily as the Pokemon all groaned at being woken up like this.

Clemont jumped up. "The future! Science!" He yelled. He looked around, realization coming onto his face. "Oh...sorry." He opened his bag. "I guess I'll make us some quick breakfast." He suggested.

Serena nodded. "Thanks, Clemont." She looked at Pikachu. "Then we'll go and show Team Flare they can't mess with us."

Pikachu gave a little fist pump. "Pika!" He said confidently.

Clemont prepared a quick breakfast for everyone. Fruit for him and the girls and Pokemon food for the Pokemon. Serena wolfed down her food so fast, she felt like she must still be channelling some of Ash's thoughts. However, Bonnie and Clemont were both fast as well, so she knew it was just that they all wanted to get going.

Once they'd packed their bags and recalled all their Pokemon, with the exception of Ash's Pidgeot and Noivern, and obviously Pikachu, Serena said, "So I was thinking we use Pidgeot and Noivern to fly to Geosenge Town. That way we should be there by tomorrow." She looked at Pidgeot and Noivern. "Is that ok with you two?"

Pidgeot spread his wings. "Pidgaw!" He said proudly.

Noivern nodded his agreement as well and said, "Noivern."

Serena smiled gratefully at the two of them. Then, she looked back at Bonnie and Clemont. "Two of us will take Pidgeot and one of us will take Noivern. Bonnie, you should go with Pidgeot and Clemont you can go with her. I'll take Noivern."

Bonnie ran over to Pidgeot excitedly, happy to get a chance to ride him again. Clemont stayed and looked at Serena. "You're not gonna fly off on your own with Noivern once we're there, are you?"

Serena narrowed her eyes. "I'll do what I think is right. You take care of your sister and I'll take care of my..." She blushed, still uncomfortable saying the word boyfriend.

Clemont sighed. "Alright." He walked over to Bonnie and Pidgeot and helped his sister get onto the big bird's back. Then she helped him up and they were ready to go.

Serena took a deep breath. Pikachu hopped on her shoulder and then she walked over to Noivern. She was a little nervous about riding Noivern. He was definitely strong enough to handle her, but he definitely wasn't as graceful as Pidgeot. Noivern looked at her and blinked, then he looked at Pikachu with what looked like a sad look. Serena instantly felt guilty. She was making Noivern feel like she was scared of him. She immediately stepped forward and pet his soft neck fur. "Noivern, is it alright if I fly with you?"

Noivern looked at her and this time with a happy expression. He nodded and said, "Noivern."

Serena climbed onto Noivern's back and then looked at Bonnie and Clemont on Pidgeot. "Ready to go, you two?" She asked.

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