Chapter 75: Ash's Greatest Challenge

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The noise was deafening and Ash wasn't even in the main part of the arena yet. He was about to split off from his friends, but of course, was receiving the well wishes of his companions before his big match. Well, everyone but Mairin, who was off with Alain at the other end of the arena. Ash kind of felt bad that he had the big group with him and Alain was only supported by Mairin, but he also got the feeling his opponent was far more comfortable that way.

"You're ultimate match, Ashy boy," Gary said, although there was no joking or sarcasm in his voice. In fact, if Ash didn't know any better, he'd almost think Gary was...proud of him? "Go out there and win this thing, alright?"

"You know I will, Gary," Ash answered confidently, showing his old friend a classic fist pump. "I can't lose with all of you cheering me on." He couldn't help but glance a little nervously at Serena, saying that, but looked away immediately when he saw her narrow her eyes suspiciously.

The elder Oak decided to speak up next. "Ash, you've come a long way since showing up late and receiving a misbehaved Pikachu." Ash just looked back at the Pokemon professor, not really knowing what he was getting to, but still happy he was there, like everyone else. "I was always doubtful of you in the beginning, trailing behind Gary and the others, however, you've proved that was foolish. Ash, I'm proud of you."

Ash looked away a little uncomfortably and coughed. He felt a sting in his eyes and barely managed to control himself. Then, he looked up and smiled at the friendly old, professor, who had been somewhat of a father or grandfather figure to him over the years. "Thanks, Professor. I...I won't let you down."

After that, everyone continued to say words of encouragement. Cilan told Ash to, "Have an exquisite battle." Iris told him to make sure, "the little kid doesn't come back." Dawn, of course, said there was, "No need to worry." All of them had their unique ways of showing their support. A dance from Tierno, a picture of Pikachu fighting Chesnaught from Trevor and just a hug that meant just as much as anything else from his mother.

Finally, after a few minutes of all this, it was just Serena who hadn't said anything. "Time to go find our seats," Bonnie said quickly, holding up her hand and pointing the group away. Nobody hesitated and suddenly, within a couple of seconds, Ash and Serena were alone, with Pikachu hopping off Ash's shoulder and heading a little ways off to give them privacy. The only noise was the drumming and cheering from the arena. The hallway had actually become quite empty, with everyone being in the arena now.

"So this is it. It's finally here," Serena said quietly, smiling a little, fiddling with the ribbon on her chest with one hand, and making a fist with the other one at her side, showing her nervousness.

"Yeah," Ash answered, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, it finally is. It's really weird, isn't it. After all this time. Even for you, probably."

She nodded and took a hesitant step forward. "You'll be ok, right?" She asked. "I...I don't want you to be distracted. You should be having fun."

Ash pursed his lips and looked away. He knew that she knew he was nervous and distracted. This match meant so much to him. It meant being with her forever. It meant they would truly be able to accomplish their dreams together. "I'll be fine," he muttered.

Suddenly Serena had her arms wrapped tightly around him, actually making it very difficult to move. Ash was a little alarmed at the strength she possessed. He couldn't deny it was comforting, though. The cold feeling of doubt was replaced by the warmth of Serena's encouragement. "I won't leave," she whispered. "Win or lose, I'll never leave." She pulled back and looked Ash in the eyes. "Understand?"

And just like that, all of Ash's doubt, all of his worries and all of his nerves, were gone. Then, in seconds, it was replaced by the familiar feelings of confidence, joy, excitement and determination. Ash smiled and chuckled a little, amazed at Serena's ability to spark his resolve like that. "You're amazing," he whispered.

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