Chapter 38: A Painful Checkup

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Dawn watched Ash closely as they flew quickly towards Lumiose City. He and Pikachu were on Charizard, while she and Piplup were on Pidgeot. Charizard was stubbornly keeping ahead of Pidgeot, as if racing. They were almost there and she could tell Ash was as tense as ever. She was worried about if there was going to be a fight. Something had seemed to mess with him during his battle with Malva. He'd started off well, but then he'd somehow lost his focus. He did plan out that move well with Houndoom using his flash fire ability, but it had still seemed kind of rushed.

"If you've got something to ask me, just do it." Ash said, not even turning his head. Somehow he was able to just kind of sense what Dawn was thinking.

"How do you know I wanted to ask you anything?" Dawn asked. It was kind of creepy. Was he doing some kind of weird mind reading thing.

"You've been quiet ever since yesterday. You're not usually this quiet. Usually you've complained about something at this point in the day." He turned around and smiled mischievously.

Dawn narrowed her eyes, but then sighed. She might as well ask. "Do you think that whatever was making you so calm isn't working anymore? You seemed to be struggling in your battle."

Ash nodded, turning back to face the sky ahead of him. "'s gone. It's kind of like a fog in my mind that had been completely cleared. I think it's always been there, but I've only noticed it...well yesterday."

"Oh...yeah that makes sense." Dawn lied. Obviously it didn't make sense at all. Things usually didn't make sense when it came to Ash. He usually didn't let things make sense. Although...that was part of the reason it was so fun to travel with him.

"I know it doesn't make any sense at all. It doesn't matter, though. It's my problem. I don't want you to worry about it." Ash said. It was a little creepy to Dawn. Ash sounded...wise?

"You've really changed a lot since Sinnoh." Dawn said, after a few moments of silence. "Even since I saw you in Unova. You're...kind of mature."

"Too bad." Ash said with a laugh. "I usually take pride in being immature."

Dawn laughed as well, remembering moments from their travels that could probably support that point. "It's not all bad. It probably helped you realize what you felt for Serena."

Ash nodded and then sighed. "I know...but that doesn't matter now. If she's ok we can't stay long. She'll be happier if she can accomplish her dream."

Dawn didn't answer. She hadn't wanted to say anything to Ash. She'd even lied and told him he had made the right decision. However, she knew that what he'd done was actually the opposite of what would make Serena happy. It might, unfortunately, be the wiser and more logical choice, but if Ash knew more about love, he'd know that Serena would choose him over her training.

"Maybe we can go quickly after that." Ash said and Dawn jumped a little. She had no clue what he'd just said, being lost in her own thoughts.

"Sorry...what was that?" Dawn asked.

Ash turned around. "You wanted to go to Prism Tower right? Maybe we could go quickly after checking on Serena. Clemont will let us up. I can show you where I jumped off to save Pikachu."

"You've gotta be kidding me." Dawn almost yelled. "You are, right? You didn't actually jump off of Prism Tower?" Ash just smiled and then turned back, facing the sky ahead once again. "You really are insane." Dawn muttered.

Ash laughed. "Mature...insane...not much difference I guess."

Dawn shook her head exasperatedly. He was irritating. She decided to think back on the battle with Malva some more. It had definitely looked good at the start. Houndoom's flamethrower had been incredibly strong. The heat had made Dawn feel like her face was melting. And then when he'd landed that dark pulse...when the stone on his collar had flashed. "Ash...I don't quite understand this mega evolution stuff. Would you mind telling me how it works?"

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