Chapter 69: Not Idle Against the Idol

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"Ladies and gentlemen, the next quarterfinal matchup is about to get underway. We have two good friends battling it out here, so things are guaranteed to be very interesting." The announcer paused for the crowd's cheers, which seemed to get louder each round, in Ash's opinion.

Ash looked out at the empty field ahead, from his spot in the hallway. In a few minutes, he would be battling it out with Sawyer out there. He knew it was going to be difficult. Something told him that Sawyer, despite his initial nervousness, was very prepared for this battle. The green-haired trainer had closely studied Ash's tactics, and was very good at making a plan to adjust. Not to mention he was already a talented trainer, with powerful Pokemon.

Ash smiled and looked up at Pikachu on his shoulder. "This is gonna be really fun, don't you think, buddy?"

Pikachu nodded and punched the air with his little, yellow fist. "Pi-pikachu!"

"Now, it's time to introduce our next pair of trainers," the announcer shouted out. "Please welcome, all the way from Hoenn, Sawyer, the quick thinking strategist!" As Sawyer emerged from his side of the arena and walked out to his platform, Ash was glad to see the confidence on the younger trainer's face. He was ready.

"Here we go, Pikachu," Ash told his loyal partner, getting ready to be called out to the field.

"And next, we've got Kanto's legend, and the hero of our own Lumiose City, Ash Ketchum!" The crowd roared so loudly, Ash could almost feel the shaking of the ground beneath him as he walked out to his platform. He locked eyes with Sawyer as he stood on his spot and they exchanged a quick nod. "After Ash's performance against Malva yesterday, I think we can definitely expect another good performance from him, today. And, Sawyer is not an opponent to be taken lightly. He's going to do whatever he can to pick apart Ash's strategy."

The announcer hyped up the crowd for a few more moments, and then, finally, the referee took his place on the sidelines. There was a loud mechanical noise, and Ash looked down to see the battlefield rising up. He was pretty pleased to see the grass and tree field rising up. It was much easier to move on this field or the rock field than with the ice and water fields. And quick movement was an advantage to him.

"It looks like the first half of this battle will be on the grass field!" the announcer informed the crowd, excitedly. "Now that we know the field, I suppose it's about time we get this match started. Ash and Sawyer, please select your first Pokemon!"

Both Ash and Sawyer threw out their pokeballs at the same time, and two flashes of light revealed their first choices. Hawlucha emerged with a quick pose, before standing in preparation to fight, and on Sawyer's side, a large ape-like Pokemon with brown fur emerged. A Slaking.

"We've got Hawlucha versus Slaking. This looks like it'll be a good matchup right from the start," the announcer stated. "Well, without further ado, let's begin the battle!"

The crowd roared in agreement and Ash noticed Hawlucha give a few waves, enjoying the spotlight. If performances had more battling, Hawlucha would love it, Ash thought to himself. He looked over to the referee, who had both flags out, ready to signal for the battle to start. He then thrust them down and shouted, "Let the battle begin!"

Neither Ash nor Sawyer wasted any time in ordering their first attacks. Both of their Pokemon were ready for their orders and the two trainers were eager to give them. There was no room for hesitation.

"Brick Break!" Ash yelled, punching the air.

"Hammer Arm!" Sawyer ordered at the same time.

Hawlucha whipped forward, staying low to the ground, pulling back his fist in preparation for his strike. Meanwhile, Slaking also appeared ready, standing still, but in battle position, its own arm held up, ready to strike. Finally, Hawlucha got in range and lashed out, Slaking instantly doing the same. Hawlucha's fist slammed hard into Slaking's descending wrist and both Pokemon strained against each other. Finally, Slaking's overwhelming weight proved too much and its attack broke through, sending Hawlucha crashing to the ground.

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