Chapter 30: Going Their Separate Ways

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Bonnie was ahead of Clemont, Mairin and Grace as they made their way out of the Snowbelle Gym towards where Serena and Ash had left. They decided to head in the direction of the Pokemon centre, assuming Ash would be wanting to go there. However, they ran into Serena on the way and Bonnie immediately noticed her friend looking more upset than she'd ever been.

"Serena, what's wrong?" Bonnie yelled, running up to her.

Serena attempted what was an obvious fake smile and ultimately couldn't keep it up. She looked at everyone for a couple of moments and then she started crying and telling them what happened. Bonnie's face became enraged and she didn't even realize she had started to run towards the Pokemon centre with clenched fists, but Clemont managed to stop her with his Aipom arm.

"It's ok, Bonnie." Serena said. "Ash is right. It's better this way. And maybe..." She wasn't able to finish the sentence.

Bonnie felt tears in her eyes. "This isn't fair though. I like all of us travelling together. Why does Ash have to ruin it?" She ran to Serena and hugged her. "You were only together for a little while. Why do you have to end it already?"

Serena gently patted her back as Bonnie sobbed. "I know,'s hard." She gently pushed Bonnie forward so they could look at each other. Bonnie looked up at her friend, who was smiling comfortingly at her. "Be strong, Bonnie. We're still friends and when you're done travelling with Ash, we can see each other a lot more. I'm going to be in Lumiose City."

Bonnie shook her head. "No! I don't want to travel with Ash. I want to go back to Lumiose City. I choose you over Ash. I like you more anyways."

"Bonnie, that's not fair." Clemont said nervously.

Bonnie turned and glared at him. "You can go ahead and stay with Ash, but I'm going back to Lumiose City."

Clemont sighed. "I can't do that. You know that. If you really want to go back, I'll go back with you."

This made Bonnie smile slightly. It was moments like this that made her realize that her brother truly cared about her. He had enjoyed the journey so much and if he was willing to end the journey for her, that meant a lot. "Really, Clemont?" She asked.

Clemont nodded. "If that's what you really want."

Bonnie looked at Serena. "So is that ok? I know we won't spend a lot of time together, but when you have breaks from training we can see each other."

Serena looked a little worried, though. "Well...I guess if you really want to end your journey...but I'm worried about Ash." She looked at Mairin. "Are you going to keep travelling with him?"

Bonnie turned to Mairin, but she didn't seem to be as effected by all this. She was actually looking at Clemont with interest. "Hey Clemont, do you think I could go with you guys? I'd really like to see your gym."

Clemont sighed, but nodded. "I guess so."

Grace broke in here. "You'd better all go speak to Ash. Try to be gentle. Remember this will be hard on him too."

Clemont and Mairin nodded, but Bonnie stood next to Serena. "I'm not going. I'll wait with Serena. Ash is just a big meanie."

Serena put her hand on Bonnie's shoulder. "I won't force you to go, but Bonnie, I don't want you to blame Ash. He really thinks this is the best thing. And he is trying to think of me."

Bonnie shook her head. "He doesn't need to do this. All of this is his fault."

Clemont sighed. "Never mind, Serena. I'm sure Ash will understand. Can you watch Bonnie, while Mairin and I go and say goodbye?"

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