Chapter 4: Love is Challenging and a Challenge For Love

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"Hey Ash?" Clemont asked hesitantly.

"What?" Ash answered a little irritably. He didn't know why, but he was upset that Serena didn't want to fly down with him. He couldn't understand it. I just leaped from the clouds to save her and she doesn't want to even talk to me?

Clemont noticed the irritation, but ignored it, thinking it was just because Ash was tired from flying all day. "Um...I was just going to ask what happened with Pidgeot. Why did you get separated?"

Ash explained how he had raised Pidgeot from a Pidgeotto and how one day Pidgeotto had evolved in order to save the flock of Pidgey and Pidgeotto from a rampaging Fearow. "Pidgeot was great and saved them, but I knew that they needed his protection for at least the time being. And Pidgeot agreed to stay and protect them." Pidgeot was eyeing his trainer from the corner of its eye. "And obviously Pidgeot did a great job, because he's made them all so brave that they can fend for themselves."

"Pidgaw!" Pidgeot shouted loudly.

Clemont smiled to himself, in awe of the trainer he was with. "Wow Ash. That must have been hard."

"Of course, but my Pokemon and I...we know that sometimes we have to do the hard thing to make them and others happy and safe." He watched Pidgeot proudly. "And Pidgeot did that well. I'm glad that we get to travel together again."

They flew the rest of the way in silence. Pidgeot was going much slower, likely due to flying all day and the energy exerted saving Ash and Serena from the fall...or in Ash's case, jump to his death. The powerful bird was very careful as it landed gracefully at the entrance to Glorio City. Ash and Clemont got off and Pikachu leaped onto Ash's shoulder.

"Alright Pidgeot, I know you're tired, but could you go and get Serena and Bonnie now?" Ash asked his Pokemon.

Pidgeot nodded and kicked off, hitting Ash and Clemont with a powerful gust of wind. "Pidgaw!" it shouted as it shot into the air and towards the top of the mountain again.

Ash watched Pidgeot with a smile on his face.Well, he thought, even if Serena's mad at me for some reason, at least I've got some great Pokemon. The thought of Serena not wanting to fly with him put a frown on his face though, and Clemont noticed.

"Ash, is something wrong? I thought you were just tired, but it seems like maybe it's something else." He fidgeted uncomfortably. He wasn't usually very good at this kind of thing. Bonnie was better for the heart to heart conversations.

Ash looked at Clemont. "It's nothing, Clemont." He sat down on a bench and looked into the sky. The moon was shining brightly and the stars glittered like a billion lights in the sky. "Did Serena say anything about me while I was gone?" He asked suddenly after a few minutes of silence.

Clemont looked confused at the question. Of course, he was as oblivious about this stuff as Ash, so he wasn't able to put two and two together either. "Um...well she was just worried about you making it to her showcase I guess." He looked at Ash carefully. "Did she say something to worry you?" He asked.

Ash blushed, but didn't realize it. "No, I-" He was interrupted as Pidgeot appeared in the sky above.

"Pidgaw!" it shouted. The large bird Pokemon flew quickly towards the ground and then opened its wings for a graceful landing.

Ash noticed Bonnie giggling excitedly on Pidgeot's back. She clearly loved the ride she had just gotten. And then Bonnie looked at Ash and narrowed her eyes. Clemont helped her get off of Pidgeot's back and they started to make their way into the city. Bonnie glared at Ash, before they turned a corner and were out of sight. What did I do to these girls? He thought to himself.

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