Chapter 20: Attacking Team Flare

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Serena stood with Bonnie and Clemont, along with Officer Jenny and her police officers, near a path leading into the forest. They were beginning their raid on Lysandre Labs. Serena pulled one pokeball out of her bag and another off of Ash's belt. She tossed them both out and released Delphox and Greninja in front of her.

"Greninja!" Greninja said confidently and turned to look at his temporary trainer.

"Ready to go save Ash?" Serena asked the frog-ninja Pokemon.

Greninja nodded and turned, waiting for Officer Jenny's go ahead. Bonnie grabbed Serena's hand and shuffled closer to her. "If we get attacked, Clemont wants me to stay with you."

Serena narrowed her eyes in confusion. "Why doesn't he want you to stay with him? And what do you mean attacked?" She asked.

Bonnie sighed and looked at Clemont who was deep in conversation with Officer Jenny. "He thinks we're gonna get attacked. He says he thinks Lysandre will have been watching us using a special security camera he apparently invented for Pokemon centres."

Serena had to laugh at what she thought was a ridiculous idea. "Come on...Lysandre won't be spying on us."

Bonnie shrugged. "Well you have to admit, this would be something Clemont might know. I guess it's better to be safe than sorry." She looked at Clemont who was apparently now arguing with Officer Jenny. "Although, Officer Jenny doesn't think there's anything to worry about."

Serena was beginning to get worried. "So why would Clemont want you to go with me?"

The little blonde girl smiled and then pulled Serena so the older girl was low enough for Bonnie to whisper in her ear. "He wants you and me to sneak in. He thinks that's safer for me and he thinks it's a better way to get to Ash."

Serena nodded. "Alright that makes some sense I guess." She looked around at all the police. "When are we gonna go?"

Bonnie followed Serena's gaze as the latter looked around at the police. "Clemont says we should go as soon as everyone starts moving. We can get lost in the crowd."

"Sounds like a plan." Serena said. She pulled out Ash's belt and took a pokeball off of it and gave it to Bonnie. "This is Hawlucha's pokeball. I want you to use him." She handed her the belt with the rest of the pokeballs. "Give the others to Clemont. He's already got Pidgeot, but Talonflame and Noivern will be a big help as well."

Bonnie's eyes lit up at the prospect of getting to use Hawlucha. Serena smiled as she watched the little blonde run over to her brother and hand him the other pokeballs. He gave Serena a quick nod and then resumed his conversation with Officer Jenny. Bonnie ran over and released Hawlucha in front of her.

"Lucha!" Hawlucha said proudly as he posed in front of Serena and his temporary trainer.

Bonnie ran forward and hugged Hawlucha. "Hawlucha, you and I are gonna team up to help Ash ok?" She said to the proud fighting-type.

"Haw-lu-cha!" Hawlucha said, doing a different pose with each syllable. He then gave Bonnie a quick bow to acknowledge that he'd listen to her commands.

Bonnie squeaked in excitement and Serena could barely contain her laughter. Hawlucha and Bonnie were becoming great friends and their personalities matched really well.

Serena looked up at Pikachu on her shoulder. "We're almost there, Pikachu." She told the electric mouse. "We'll have him back soon."

Pikachu nodded, smiling. "Pi-pikachu." He said happily.

Serena's head whipped around when she hear a loud, piercing whistle from Officer Jenny, who was now commanding the group to move forward and into the forest. So now it begins. Serena thought. She looked over to Clemont who gave her a quick nod and then she, Bonnie and their Pokemon slipped to the back of the group.

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