Chapter 21: The Real Battle Begins

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Ash glared at Lysandre. He'd never hated someone so much in his life. He could barely believe it, but he thought Team Flare was far worse than Team Rocket. Ash could feel the monster in him that had come out on those grunts in the lobby, but he managed to control it. He knew he wouldn't be able to beat Lysandre.

Lysandre threw out a pokeball and a Pyroar came out in front of him. It was different from Malva's. This one's mane was all around its head. A male Pyroar. "I don't want to have Pyroar hurt you." Lysandre said.

Ash nodded his head slightly and Greninja stepped in front to face Pyroar. "You're not doing anything to us." Ash said.

Lysandre laughed and then he pointed behind Ash. A feeling of dread filled him as he turned. It only intensified with what he saw. A few Team Flare grunts had come up behind them. One had Mairin in a head lock, Chespie and Bebe were locked in cages. Bonnie was in the same position, Dedenne also in a cage. And, to Ash's utter horror, Serena was also held tightly, Delphox restrained next to her. Ash, Pikachu, Hawlucha, Greninja and dog-form Squishy were surrounded, their friends trapped.

Mairin managed to croak out a warning. "Ash, don't let him do it!"

Serena's eyes widened, but she now had tape over her mouth so she couldn't speak. She shook her head wildly at Ash, clearly attempting to mimic Mairin's words.

Ash looked back at Lysandre and let out a shaky breath. "Fine."

Lysandre smiled, but then his eyes locked onto Squishy, who was growling. "You do anything and the little girl you care about so much is in trouble." Squishy glanced nervously at Bonnie and then immediately stopped growling. "Now let's go into the lab and get you ready."

Lysandre led the way into the lab and Ash followed, hating himself for what he was doing. The Team Flare guards pulled his friends along behind him. Pikachu remained on his shoulder and Greninja and Hawlucha walked closely next to him. Squishy stayed close to Bonnie but was careful to stay out of the reach of the Team Flare guards.

Lysandre turned and looked at Ash. "You and Greninja need to get in your places." He pointed over to the glass cage that he showed Ash earlier.

Ash looked at Greninja with worry, but Greninja just nodded back and led the way to the cage. As they walked over to it, Ash looked at the Zygarde in Team Flare's possession. It was in its snake form and he could hear the gasps of fear from his friends and an angry growl from Squishy.

Lysandre clapped his hands and a scientist rushed forward to hook up Greninja to the cables inside of the cage that he had just entered. Ash stood next to it and glared at Lysandre. The Flare boss smiled evilly at Ash as the scientist finished up hooking up Greninja. "Begin." When Ash just glared back, Lysandre gave a quick look to Serena and then back at Ash. "Begin...or else." Lysandre said, this time with more anger in his voice.

Ash took a deep breath and then turned to Greninja. His frog-ninja Pokemon calmly looked back and nodded. The two of them closed their eyes and focused. Ash focused on a desire to beat Team Flare, a desire to protect his friends and his desire to be with Serena. He started to get flashes of images from Greninja. Very similar, but he thought of Delphox over Serena. Then, Ash felt the raw power of his emotions. Anger, determination and love swirled around in his mind, flaring up his nerves. He clenched his fists and felt his knuckles burn on the hand he'd used to punch the Team Flare grunts. He used that pain to give him energy. He felt his stomach lurch and the power intensify. He started to flash between his thoughts and feelings to Greninja's. Their minds were becoming one. He felt a rush of water around him and then suddenly it exploded. He opened his eyes and looked to see the glass cage around Greninja shattered. The cables were now off of him and sizzling on the ground. Greninja had mega evolved.

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