Chapter 7: The Masterclass Gets Some Rookies

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"Ok Ash, I think that was really good." Serena said confidently. She was still nervous, but she had been pretty surprised with Ash's abilities for this kind of thing. She hadn't expected some of the more...graceful moves that he had been able to do. And he and Pidgeot were in complete sync, just like he and the Pokemon he'd been travelling through Kalos with.

Ash was on Pidgeot's back as they hovered in the air. "Yeah." He agreed. "You're gonna face Aria for sure."

Serena smiled and then looked at Braixen. "Braixen, what did you think? Did you like working with Pidgeot?" She asked her Pokemon.

"Brai-braixen-brai!" Braixen said happily, acknowledging Pidgeot.

Pidgeot landed and bowed towards Braixen. "Pidgaw!" It said, accepting the compliment.

Ash jumped off Pidgeot and headed over to Serena. "How about you?" He asked.

Serena looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

Ash raised an eyebrow. "Did you like working with me?"

Serena pretended to look like she was thinking hard about it. She frowned and said, "Well...actually Ash..."

Ash narrowed his eyes and stared. "Funny." He said. He nodded to Pidgeot that it could go and hunt for food and then he gestured towards the Pokemon centre, looking at Serena. "Let's eat. I'm starving."

Serena nodded and followed him towards the Pokemon centre. She stopped just before going in and looked at the starry sky. She wished that this day hadn't gone by so quickly. It had been so perfect. She had Ash completely stunned by her fashion show outfit, she'd done perfectly in her trivia training, Ash had seemed jealous when Tierno had fawned over her and then she had spent the entire afternoon alone with him. She was excited for the showcase, of course, but she still wished she could have more time with Ash. She went inside and sighed.

She went over to where Ash was sitting. He'd already gotten some food for them, piling their plates high with food from the buffet. "Hey, I just saw Clemont and Bonnie. They're already going to bed." he said swallowing a huge mouthful. He gestured at her food. "I didn't know how much you wanted, so I just got some of everything."

"Thanks," Serena said smiling. She sat down and started to eat. She had barely eaten anything when Ash sat back, his plate completely empty. Her eyes widened. "Ash, you're gonna get sick."

He looked at her like she was speaking another language. "What?" He said. "I worked up an appetite. You should be glad I'm eating anything. Pidgeot nearly made me think I should never do it again."

Serena giggled, thinking of how Pidgeot had done an extremely impressive triple spin in midair past one of Braixen's fire blasts, but when he had landed Ash had looked like he thought he was on another planet.

Pikachu had just finished his own food and jumped up next to Serena. He nuzzled her cheek playfully. "Oh hey Pikachu," she said happily, "what's that for?"

"Pi-pikachu." Pikachu said happily, tilting his head, smiling.

Ash laughed. "No reason. Just showing he cares about you."

Pikachu went over to Ash and jumped on his head and started pawing his trainers face playfully. Serena watched the two, smiling. She admired their relationship. It was clear that they had been through a lot together and that their bond was unbreakable. "Ash, why did you get Pikachu as your starter Pokemon?" She asked suddenly. She had never asked, but she realized that Pikachu wouldn't be a starter Pokemon option in Kanto. I don't know if Pikachu is an option anywhere, she thought to herself.

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