Chapter 44: Hello Hello...

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When Ash had finished his conversation with Serena, he had immediately gone to Gurkinn and told him that he had to go. Gurkinn had been fine with it, saying that really, all Ash had to do was continue trying to focus on strengthening his aura. Ash and Dawn had then set off quickly for Coumarine City, although Dawn had rushed off momentarily before, claiming she needed to make a quick call. Ash had been pretty impatient, but she'd stressed it was important and that he'd thank her later for it, so he didn't argue too much.

Ash hadn't bothered switching out the current team he had, which actually consisted of his older Pokemon. Bulbasaur, Squirtle, Charizard, Pidgeot, Primeape and, of course, Pikachu, were with him. Pidgeot and Charizard flew full speed towards Coumarine City over the next day and a half. It was probably the fastest either of them had ever gone.

Ash didn't really know what he needed to do in Coumarine City. He was assuming that perhaps he had to go and see Ramos, the gym leader, but if that wasn't it, he had no idea what he'd find in Coumarine City.

"I guess we'll stop at the Pokemon centre." Ash told Dawn, as they approached Coumarine City. "We'll stay there for the night." Dawn nodded. Ash directed Pidgeot and Charizard to where the Pokemon centre was and they were landing within a few minutes.

When they entered the Pokemon centre, Dawn stopped Ash at the front. "I'll take your Pokemon up. Why don't you give Serena a quick call?" Ash could tell she was barely controlling herself from giggling, but he nodded and handed her his pokeballs, while Pikachu hopped onto her shoulder.

Ash then went towards the phone, while Dawn went towards the desk to give Nurse Joy the Pokemon. When he sat down, and was about to dial the number to call Serena, he suddenly had an idea. He'd been thinking about how they were going to fight against Lysandre and Team Flare. There was really not much of a chance, unless they had a lot of trainers and Pokemon to help them. He knew there were some trainers there and that the police would help, but he suspected they'd still be heavily outnumbered. There was, however, somewhere nearby Lumiose that could be of some help. Ash decided that was the place to call first.

The phone rang a few times and then a middle-aged man with grey facial hair and a green and brown vest and jacket appeared. "Ash? Wow, it's been a while. How are you?" Keanan asked, looking pleased.

"Hi Keanan." Ash greeted, smiling back. "Well, I guess things are...complicated to be honest." He scratched his head nervously. "Um...I don't know if you've heard about what happened a few weeks ago in Geosenge Town?"

Keanan nodded. "Yes, we were all watching the news coverage on that." He smiled. "Goodra was quite pleased to hear of your victory over Malva. That's quite impressive. I think he would have liked to be there to help you, though."

"That's actually why I was calling." Ash said. "Lysandre escaped that night. I guess you know that. Anyways, it sounds like he's planning to attack Lumiose City. There's a few people preparing to defend against him, but he's going to have a Pokemon called Zygarde with him that a lot of damage. Not to mention, Team Flare is probably going to outnumber whatever we have in Lumiose City."

Keanan nodded. "And you were hoping the Pokemon from the Wetlands could help you?" He asked.

"Well, I was thinking more about Goodra." Ash corrected.

Keanan smiled. "Ash, you know those Pokemon love Goodra more than anything, right? He's become the true leader here. I'm sure he'll want to help and I know the others will go with him."

"Really?" Ash asked. This was really more than he could have hoped for.

"Of course. Besides, if Lysandre is attacking Lumiose City, I'm sure the Wetlands will be one of the next targets. Everyone might as well make a stand together." Keanan said seriously.

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