Chapter 83: Like No One Ever Was

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Ash was both terrified and exhilarated. He had Diantha on the edge of defeat. However, it was definitely a lot different from any other time he'd had an opponent at the edge like this. Going up against Diantha's Gardevoir was an entirely different kind of challenge. It had defeated Pikachu way back without even breaking a sweat. Even today, it had managed to defeat Charizard without even mega evolving. If Ash had known he'd be facing a tougher opponent than Alain's Charizard while he was exhausting himself and Greninja against it, he would never have believed it. It didn't matter, though. He hadto win. There was no way around it. He, along with Infernape, Greninja and Pikachu, could do this. They would win.

Diantha looked just as ready as Ash, as did Gardevoir. They were motivated to win this as though it actually was a title match. Both were tensed up, and it was almost like Diantha was preparing to leap into the battle herself. It would've been intimidating if Ash wasn't enjoying the battle so much. He enjoyed nothing more than a trainer and Pokemon who were both strong and motivated.

Ash turned his attention towards the referee, who was preparing to signal for the match to resume. He was going to need to move fast, and he knew Diantha would move quickly as well. Each needed to act as soon as the signal was made. Once the referee held up his flag, Infernape and Gardevoir were even more tensed up and ready to go. When the flag was waved, neither could have moved faster on their trainers' orders.

"Mach Punch, let's go!" Ash yelled immediately.

At the same moment, Diantha's order came as well. "Shadow Ball!"

"Infernape!" Infernape screeched, as he pulled back his fist and launched himself forward. He moved extremely quickly, and Ash could see that Gardevoir wasn't going to be able to attack with Shadow Ball in time. The fiery ape closed the gap in an instant, and was launching his fist towards Gardevoir's torso before the Shadow Ball was even half formed. The embrace Pokemon was launched back, wincing in pain as she slammed into the ground a few feet away.

Gardevoir was up quickly, though, the Shadow Ball still forming in front of her. She aimed towards a startled Infernape, and then unleashed it. The black and purple sphere launched towards the fire-monkey, and struck him hard in the chest. He sailed through the air, and landed with a hard thud in front of Ash.

"You alright, Infernape?" Ash asked, wincing himself from seeing Infernape get hit like that. The fire and fighting type was up quickly, though, and gave Ash a quick nod before turning back to face Gardevoir. "Ok, get underground. Use Dig!"

As Infernape quickly started burrowing underground, Ash looked ahead to Diantha, who seemed to be watching closely. Gardevoir was as well, and Ash wondered if she was using her psychic abilities to get a sense of where Infernape was going. "As I said, Ash," Diantha said seriously, "this battle only gets more difficult as we move along. Gardevoir can find Infernape. Draw him out with Psychic!"

Ash gritted his teeth. He was obviously not too happy about this. He knew that Gardevoir would likely be able to find Infernape. He needed to use Dig to get a surprise attack. The idea came quickly, as Gardevoir's eyes began to glow blue. "Infernape, up now! Aim towards Gardevoir!" It was risky, and both Ash and Infernape knew this part wasn't likely to work, but it was also important to the plan. As Infernape burst out of the ground, right in front of Gardevoir, there was a brief moment where his fist approached her face, but then he was covered in a blue light, and thrown backwards, landing a few feet away from the first hole that he'd made.

"Ash, I expected better from you than that." The Kalos Champion sounded disappointed and frustrated with Ash's move. "Infernape had no chance in landing that attack."

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