Chapter 82: I Wanna Be The Very Best

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Ash stared at Charizard's pokeball for a moment after recalling him. He'd done well, and he'd made a difference. Ash wasn't going to let Gardevoir's victory get in his head. "Thanks Charizard, you were awesome. We're gonna win this, and you're going to have been a crucial part of it."

"Ash, your Charizard is very strong," Diantha called towards him, as she pulled out her next pokeball. "Almost any other opponent would have been defeated by that Blast Burn attack." She then smirked, as she held up the pokeball. "But I'm not any other opponent, and neither is Gardevoir." She threw out her next pokeball and a light flashed, revealing her Gourgeist in front of her.

"I can still beat you," Ash assured the Kalos Champion. He glanced down to Pikachu and smiled. "Ready to go, buddy?"

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded and gave a confident fist pump.

"Good, then I choose you!" Ash yelled, turning and pointing ahead. Pikachu nodded and leaped forward, sliding a couple of feet on the dirt, before stopping and bracing himself for battle. He was pumped up for this just as much as Ash. They'd come so far together since that first day in Pallet Town, and now they were finally having a true battle against a Champion.

Diantha looked quite interested as Pikachu stood ready for battle. "Interesting," she said calmly, "I hope Pikachu's better prepared than last time."

Ash narrowed his eyes, feeling a little insulted by that. "Pikachu's always ready," he assured the Champion. "And we haven't forgotten last time. We're winning this battle for sure."

Diantha just nodded in return and then both trainers looked towards the referee, eager to get the match going again. Ash's fists were clenched, and he could see Pikachu's tail swishing back and forth, apparently feeling just what he felt. If Diantha was going to say Pikachu wasn't prepared last time, they were going to show her just how ready he was now. When the referee waved his flag, Pikachu's speed was their weapon of choice, once again.

"Iron Tail, now!" Ash yelled, thrusting his fist forward as Pikachu took off, a dust cloud trail going up behind him as he ran towards Gourgeist. Diantha even looked startled by the speed, and had now chance to order a counter move as Pikachu leaped up towards Gourgeist.

"Chuuu-PIKA!" Pikachu roared, as he launched forward, spinning around and then slammed his metallic tail into the pumpkin Pokemon. There was a loud smacking sound, and then Gourgeist rocketed to the ground, dust shooting into the air from the collision.

"Now, use Thunderbolt!" Ash ordered quickly, quickly forgetting about proving Pikachu was ready, and instead focusing on winning the battle.

As Pikachu descended to the ground, he aimed his head low, then pulled it back up, cheeks sparking as he charged up the electricity. "Piii-kaaa-CHUUU!" he shouted, a massive bolt of electricity shooting down and hitting the ground where Gourgeist was still winded from the Iron Tail.

"Geiiist!" Gourgeist shrieked, as the electricity coursed through its body. Ash felt a rush of satisfaction, as Pikachu landed, ready for his next order, looking just as satisfied. If Pikachu had whatever abilities Greninja had, Ash knew they'd be syncing up into a special form at that moment. Right now, they were at their best.

Diantha was ready to make her counter, though, and Ash knew that he and Pikachu couldn't let their guard down. Even at their best, Diantha was still strong enough to make them pay for any simple mistake they made. "Well," Diantha said, chuckling a little, "it looks like Pikachu's ready." She then narrowed her eyes, as Gourgeist straightened up. "Don't think I don't have a strategy, though. Pikachu may be fast, but can he see a hidden ghost?" Ash stared back, not having any clue what Diantha was talking about. Gourgeist was completely visible. The answer came fairly quickly. "Gourgeist, use Phantom Force!"

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