Chapter 35: Strength of a True Bond

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So why are you in Kalos?" Ash asked Dawn. The two of them were now on the road after their battle. They'd set off fairly quickly after Ash had agreed to accompany Dawn until they reached Lumiose City.

"Really, just for a break. A vacation I guess." Dawn answered. "I've always been kind of interested in coming to Kalos. It is one of the most romantic places in the world you know?"

" I didn't. Why does that matter?" Ash asked. He suddenly remembered that Dawn had mentioned Brock when they'd first run into each other. Had he told her about Serena?

Dawn shrugged. "I don't know. Just makes a nice culture I guess." She giggled. "Although I wouldn't mind going on a date with a nice guy at the top of Prism Tower. I'm sure a lot of girls would like that."

Ash was suddenly feeling very awkward. He was wondering if she was trying to hint at something about Serena. "When did you talk to Brock?" He finally asked after a couple of moments of awkward silence.

Dawn thought for a moment. "Um...I don't think it was actually that long after he'd seen you. Just a few weeks ago." She looked at Ash with a confused expression. "He mentioned you were travelling with friends. He said you were in Glorio City for one of those showcase things." She then squeaked excitedly. "Oh I'd really like to know more about those. They seem a lot like contests." She shook her head. "Sorry, never mind that for now, what about your friends? Where are they?"

Ash sighed. "Lumiose City." He said quietly.

Dawn smiled, not noticing Ash's tone or expression. "Awesome! Maybe we can see them when we get there." She squinted. "Um...but why exactly are they there now?"

Ash took a deep breath. "Things just kind of went wrong in Snowbelle City. Not just the gym battle."

Dawn looked at him with sympathy. "Got in a fight?"

Ash shook his head. "No...well not really. I..." He paused, wondering just how much Brock had told Dawn. "Dawn, did Brock tell you anything specific about my friends?"

Dawn thought for a moment. "Let's see...he mentioned one was the Lumiose Gym leader. Clarence?"

"Clemont." Ash corrected, smiling a little at the mistake.

"Oh sorry." Dawn apologized. "Um...Clemont's sister. Bonnie?" Ash nodded. "And the performer...Serena?" Dawn looked at Ash, confused. "What else should he have said?"

Ash appreciated Brock not telling Dawn about his relationship with a way. It did show his oldest friend besides Pikachu respected his privacy. However, it was a little nerve racking that he'd have to explain it to Dawn. " see...Serena and I..." Ash cursed himself for his flustering.

Dawn gasped, whipping her hands up to cover her mouth. "No...way...really?"

"What?" Ash asked, somehow now even more embarrassed. "I didn't even finish.

Dawn playfully hit Ash's arm. "Ash, you're adorable. Come on, you're making it so obvious. So you actually have a girlfriend?" She then stopped and stared at the ground.

Ash stopped as well, wondering if she was hurt or something. "You ok?" He asked.
Dawn looked up at him, guilt in her eyes. "I'm sorry. I'm an idiot. Now I understand what happened. That's why you're so sad."

Ash sighed. They continued walking in silence for a few minutes. Pikachu and Piplup had started walking ahead with Ash's other Pokemon, giving the two trainers some privacy.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Dawn asked quietly.

Obviously Ash didn't really feel like telling her, but he thought for a moment. Dawn was one of his best friends. She'd even told him he was her best friend besides Piplup. So he told her. Everything that had happened in Snowbelle City. Even everything that had happened with Greninja. In fact, before he knew it, he'd vented about everything that had happened since the showcase. The hospital, the date and dance with Serena, Team Flare, Lysandre, Zygarde, Malva, Sawyer, Greninja, Palermo and the gym. He even mentioned the visions from Olympia, both from his first and most recent visits to Anistar City. The feeling of finally talking about it was so relieving. And Dawn took it all in with amazing patience.

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