Chapter 50: The Battle of Lumiose City Part 5

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Once they'd all landed safely on the outskirts of Lysandre's destructive attack, everyone turned to look at what was happening above the city. Bonnie instantly felt fear, seeing both Ash andSquishy, now in his complete form, facing off against Lysandre's Zygarde. As strong as they both were, she didn't see how they could fight that battle without one or both of them being seriously hurt. Not to mention, the city was in pretty serious danger too. She hoped that Nurse Joy had been able to clear out the Pokemon centre.

Clemont's voice suddenly broke through Bonnie's thoughts. "Hey, where's d- I mean Blaziken Mask?" He asked, looking around with worried eyes. I thought he'd flown here with us."

"You don't think he went into the city, do you?" Brock asked.

"He does think he's a superhero." Bonnie said, feeling frustrated with her father. His Blaziken was poisoned. Did he really think he'd be any help to Ash if he couldn't even use his strongest Pokemon. Ash was already using super strong Pokemon and he was barely able to keep up with Zygarde. Meyer couldn't be much help.

"I'm going back, then." Clemont said. Everyone stared at him in shock for a moment. Even for the newcomers, Clemont's bravery was unexpected. "Even if we don't find Blaziken Mask, we can at least help Ash."

"Alright, I'll go with you." Dawn spoke up finally.

"Me too." Alain said and Mairin quickly followed suit.

Eventually everyone was volunteering to go, but then Clemont spoke up. "Thanks everyone, but I think some of us should stay here. We need to be on guard in case any of the other Team Flare members try to pull anything." He looked at Bonnie and she knew that his reasoning had nothing to do Team Flare, but actually that he needed someone to stop her from going to Lumiose City with him.

In the end, Brock, Misty, May and Gary agreed to stay behind, "to keep an eye on Team Flare", while Alain, Mairin, Iris, Cilan and Dawn, would go with Clemont. Bonnie could see her brother looking at her apologetically, but she felt like giving him a good kick to the shins. It wasn't him who had commanded Squishy in battle. She and Ash were the only ones who could say they've done that. She wasn't a little kid.

Alain, Mairin and Clemont got on the back of Charizard, while Iris, Cilan and Dawn got on Iris' Dragonite. Just before they were set to go, Pidgeot landed next to them, an Infernape and Sceptile on his back. It was kind of strange seeing the two Pokemon sitting like humans on the powerful bird's back, but Bonnie knew these were a couple of Ash's strongest Pokemon and they were going to be needed.

"Bonnie," Clemont said, looking at her, "be careful, ok?" She nodded and then Clemont smiled. "Keep everyone safe, here, alright?"

Bonnie knew that Clemont was just trying to make her feel like she was needed, because he knew that he was sidelining her, but she still appreciated it. "Nobody's getting past me." She said. "Team Flare won't try anything while I'm here."

Clemont nodded and then they set off. All of the flying types didn't seem bothered by all the weight they were carrying. Bonnie was amazed with Pidgeot's strength in carrying Infernape and Sceptile. Apparently his sheer determination to help his trainer was enough to make him fly stronger.

"Don't worry Bonnie, you're brother can handle this." Brock said, looking at her seriously. "He's a pretty fierce fighter. He wasn't letting anything stop him when we were looking for you."

"Yeah..." Bonnie said, watching as the group got closer and closer to Lumiose City. "I just want to be there to help."


Ash looked back at Squishy and Zygarde as he approached Prism Tower. He could see it was becoming more and more difficult for Squishy to restrain his mind-controlled friend. He knew he had to hurry. He had to finish this fast. Lysandre couldn't keep controlling that thing. He needed to be stopped and soon.

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