Chapter 63: The Newest Rival

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"Today's gallantry award goes to Noivern!" Brock announced happily, placing a large bowl of his homemade food at the pleased looking dragon type's feet. "You did a great job. Eat all you want!"

"Vern!" Noivern said, nodding and then leaning down to eat. Hawlucha, who Ash had called back along with his other Kalos Pokemon, patted his best friends back, looking quite pleased. Ash had wanted the other Kalos Pokemon to be able to celebrate Noivern's big victory, although he'd made sure to tell Professor Oak to give the Pokemon he'd used against Remo a big feast, especially Snorlax.

Ash and his friends were having a bit of a celebration for the success of the first round earlier in the day. Everyone was there, and Astrid, who had also emerged victorious in round one, had come along as well. Bonnie had become quite determined to set the fellow blonde up with Clemont, so the little girl had begged her to join them for the celebration. Sawyer and Tierno had also come out on top in their first round matches. Sawyer had won a convincing six to one match, using only three Pokemon, while Tierno had managed a six to three win like Ash. Trevor was also participating in the celebration, being quite a good sport about his loss. He had no reason to be disappointed, in Ash's opinion. He'd proven he'd belonged in the Kalos League.

Ash had tried to find Calem, to invite him, but wasn't able to find him. Ash had wanted to bury the hatchet, but unfortunately, that wasn't exactly possible if Calem wasn't around. Of course, maybe the other trainer had been trying not to be found. Ash knew they'd have to run into each other at some point. As long as they both kept winning, they'd have to deal with their run-in after the opening ceremonies.

"It's crazy that thirty two of the strongest trainers in Kalos are already done," Astrid said, shaking her head in disbelief. "And tomorrow there's going to be sixteen more."

"When are they announcing the next matches?" Serena asked, sitting down next to Ash at the picnic table that he, Bonnie, Clemont, Astrid and Brock were at.

"I heard that it'll be tonight. We'll be able to watch at the Pokemon centre. It should be on pretty soon actually," Clemont informed the group.

"I can't wait to find out my next opponent," Ash said excitedly, looking over at his Pokemon. Goodra was in the middle of playing with Dedenne, while Clemont's Chespin was helping himself to some abandoned food near the two of them. Ash wasn't mad, though. Goodra had likely given it to the always hungry grass type. "I really wanna know. I need to figure out my next team."

"I hope it's not Alain," Bonnie said, looking over at the mentioned trainer, who was talking to Gary about something. "That would ruin the rest of the tournament. You two need to battle later."

"Well I wouldn't mind another crack at Alain," Astrid said, sounding pretty confident. "He beat Absol and I pretty badly when I battled him before. I'd like some revenge for that."

"Speaking of revenge, I wonder when I'm gonna get mine," Ash said confidently, looking at Astrid's Absol who was eating behind her. He then looked over at Hawlucha, who was showing of some karate chops to Noivern and Greninja. "You're not the only one who wants to make up for a bad loss."

"I really hope none of you guys need to face each other," Serena admitted, sounding a little sad. "It really sucks that Trevor got eliminated. I don't want any more of you to be knocked out until as late as possible."

"No need to worry about me being knocked out," Ash stated confidently. "I'm winning this thing. I promised you I would and I'm not letting you down."

"Ab-absol..." Ash looked down and noticed Astrid's Absol was looking at him with narrowed eyes. They weren't angry eyes, though. It was more like interest.

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