Chapter 6: Training Hard

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Serena was livid at Bonnie, Clemont and Shauna. She couldn't believe they would do that to her. She didn't care much that they were spying, but the fact that they interrupted her and Ash made her furious. Even more infuriating was how well Ash was taking everything. As the group walked back to the Pokemon centre, Serena seething behind, Ash casually walked back, happily discussing his plans for his next gym battle with Clemont.

"Serena, I'm so sorry." Shauna was walking next to Serena. She whispered her apology so the others couldn't hear.

Serena narrowed her eyes and looked ahead, ignoring her friend. She knew they hadn't made noise on purpose, but that didn't make it any easier. She had been closer to Ash than she had ever been and it had all gone away in an instant. They had heard Clemont's yells and Ash had immediately let go of her to go and look at what was going on. And of course he decided that it was too late to continue and that they should walk back with their friends. Some friends, Serena thought.

Shauna looked devastated. "Serena please." She pleaded. "You know I'd never want to stop you from being with Ash." She looked on the verge of tears.

Serena sighed. She wanted to forgive Shauna, but she was so angry and upset. "How could you do that to me?" She asked. "That was private. If you were going to spy, why couldn't you just keep quiet?"

Shauna hung her head in shame. "I know. Clemont wanted to go, but Bonnie and I were too excited to see you with Ash." She glanced up at Serena with a twinkle in her eye. "You two were really cute together, you know."

Serena blinked and blushed, looking away quickly. She hated that she still felt nervous about the Ash subject. She decided to forgive Shauna. She was only happy for Serena and that was why she was spying. She decided to confess her fears. "Do you think Ash saw this the way I did?" She asked.

Shauna glanced at Ash, who was animatedly showing off what he planned to do for his final gym battle to Clemont and Bonnie. The three of them laughed. Shauna sighed. "Well...don't worry, but he probably didn't." Serena looked like she would cry, but Shauna continued quickly. "No hold on, Serena. It's hard to explain. Ash clearly has feelings towards you. That was definitely no ordinary walk on the beach, even for him." She thought for another moment. "I just think that he probably doesn't realize what his feelings are. Remember," she said with a smirk, "he's a guy."

Serena smiled gratefully, but still felt kind of sad with that answer. "So, he won't think this makes us a couple?"

Shauna frowned sympathetically. "I'm afraid not." She grabbed Serena's arm quickly. "But don't worry, Serena!" She said energetically. "He'll figure it out. This is a project for you, but it's worth it don't you think?"

Serena watched Ash, happily laughing with Clemont and Bonnie. She realized she still had his jacket wrapped around her. She looked at Shauna who was patiently waiting for an answer. Serena smiled. "Of course it's worth it."

Shauna grinned. "That's the spirit!"

Ash woke up early the next morning and jumped out of bed. He wanted to get an early start on his training. In the bed to his right, Clemont was still sleeping, his glasses over his nose. Across the room, Bonnie was also sleeping, Squishy and Dedenne lying next to her. To Bonnie's right was Serena's bed. Ash noticed Serena was gone. He nudged Pikachu awake and they went to go find her.

Ash found Serena in the Pokemon centre lobby, eating breakfast. He smiled, walking up to her. "Wanted to get an early start for training huh?"

She smiled back. "You got it." She looked outside. Pidgeot was watching them through the window. "I asked Pidgeot about performing and he seems pretty excited."

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