Chapter 13: The Dance

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Bonnie giggled as Clemont came into the lobby, dressed in a suit. "Big brother, that is so adorable on you." She continued to laugh as Clemont scowled. "Oh don't worry, it's fine. And you have a date so there's that to be thankful for." Tierno had got a call from Trevor about dancing Pokemon he was following to get pictures of, so Tierno had abandoned Shauna. Bonnie had quickly leaped at the opportunity to match Shauna up with Clemont for the dance.

"Not bad, Clemont." Bonnie turned around, giggling as Shauna entered the Pokemon centre lobby. She was dressed in a green dress and black stockings.

Bonnie ran over to her. "Wow Shauna!" She yelled. "You're so pretty. I think you're actually a real keeper! Will you please-" She felt something grab her by the back of her shirt, and she was lifted over to Clemont, noticing the Aipom arm.

"Hi Shauna." Clemont sighed. "Sorry about that."

Shauna giggled. "So are you two ready to go?"

Bonnie jumped up and down, having been released by Clemont. "Can't wait!" She yelled. She looked into her bag. "Right Dedenne and Squishy?"

"De-ne-ne!" Dedenne squeaked happily. Squishy even blinked happily and made a noise of excitement.

Shauna laughed. "Awesome. Well hopefully we'll be able to meet up with Ash and Serena on the way."

"Hey! Excuse me?" They all turned to see a spiky haired, dark skinned man who had walked over to them.

"Yes?" Clemont asked.

"Did I just hear you guys say Ash?" The man said.

"Yeah." Bonnie said. "He's our friend." She giggled. "He's on a date with our other friend, Serena."

The man smiled. "Cool. Yeah, I met up with him a little while ago and he was getting ready to go." He hit his forehead with his palm. "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Brock. I'm a friend of Ash's. I did a lot of travelling with him."

Bonnie's mouth opened in excitement. "Really?" She ran up to him. "Ash told us about you. You're a gym leader right? In Kanto?"

Brock nodded. "Yeah that's right. Pewter City. Although, I'm studying to become a Pokemon doctor now. That's why I'm here. We're comparing Kanto and Kalos Pokemon care methods."

Clemont came forward. "Wow, that's really interesting." He held out his hand and shook hands with Brock. "I'm Clemont by the way."

Bonnie smiled. "I'm Bonnie. And this is Dedenne and Squishy." She opened her bag so Brock could see. Dedenne did its usual happy greeting, but Squishy nervously slouched deeper in the bag.

Shauna came up next. "Hi, I'm Shauna. I'm not travelling with Ash and these guys, but we hang out on occasion."

Brock smiled at them all and then he looked at the bag with Squishy in it. "That's a strange looking Pokemon there." He said. "Did you call it Squishy?"

"Yeah." Bonnie said. "We're not sure what he is yet. Ash and Serena's Pokedexes weren't able to figure out what he was."

Brock scratched his chin, looking very interested. "Fascinating." He continued to look at Squishy for a few moments and then looked back up at the group. "Well, hey, I was wondering if I could go to the dance with you guys. Nurse Joy invited me to come along. It'd be really neat getting to know Ash's new friends."

Bonnie smiled. "Sure, that'd be awesome."

"Yeah." Clemont agreed. "I'm sure we all have some great Ash stories to tell." He laughed.

Brock laughed. "Yeah. I guess he's still probably up to some of his old tricks." He shrugged. "But the Ash I knew never went on dates, so that's definitely a new one."

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