Chapter 80: Confidence and Strong Support

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Ash and Serena were walking through the trainer's village for what was probably the twentieth time in the past week. They'd both come to enjoy it, especially as the many of the trainers were now gone, already moving on to new challenges. It was a bit quieter without them, and their large groups of friends and families. However, there were definitely still quite a few people, as many fans had jumped at the opportunity to stick around for last week's announced bonus match up, which would be taking place tomorrow.

"Do you think you're ready?" Serena asked, her tight grip on Ash's hand showing how nervous she was about the coming battle. Despite being one of Ash's biggest supporters, she could definitely get quite nervous sometimes. It was odd how she would be confident when he was doubtful, and then other times it was the reverse. Maybe that was why they meant so much to each other. They could always inspire confidence in one another.

"Of course I am," Ash said confidently. "You know how much training I've done. Besides, this match has a way different feel to it than my battle with Alain. It's a bonus match. It doesn't affect me challenging the Champion's League, so I don't need to be stressed about it." He instantly felt relief in his hand, as his words seemed to calm Serena, which made her vice grip loosen up a bit.

Serena took a deep breath, and then exhaled slowly. "It means more than that, though, doesn't it? There's no way you see a battle against Diantha as just a bonus match. You want to prove you can do it, right?" She stopped walking, causing Ash to stop as well, and the two locked eyes. "You can show not only her and the Elite Four, but also yourself that you can battle against the best and win."

Ash laughed a little at that, and took a glance up the street, in the direction they had been walking towards. He could see Pikachu up there, in the middle of getting a meal from Brock, who had prepared his best for the Pokemon Ash had selected for his battle against Diantha. Well, almost all of them. One of the Pokemon he was using was likely eating through about twenty truckloads of food right about now at Professor Oak's lab. The other five, though, seemed to be enjoying what Brock had prepared.

For a moment, Ash stood still and watched his Pokemon. He'd had quite a hard time in deciding who to use. He had the advantage of knowing Diantha's Pokemon, but he knew that if he selected his Pokemon solely based on type match ups, he'd start the battle already behind. He'd had to select his Pokemon with the best battling spirit and of course raw power. He knew that each and every one of them was going to give it their all tomorrow, and that each had the strength to match up against Diantha.

Finally, he looked back at Serena, who was watching him, waiting for him to speak. "Of course it's more than a bonus match. I just think it's easier to do what I was struggling with at the start of my battle against Alain. Or did you forget what you wanted me to do?"

Serena nodded, blushing a little in embarrassment. "Yeah, I know. Obviously I want you to enjoy it. I just know that this is a different kind of challenge for you."

"I like new challenges," Ash said with a smile. "That night after I got out of the hospital was the start of a really fun new challenge for me. If this one is just half as exciting, I'll definitely enjoy it."

"I don't think it could even be half that exciting," Serena said, giggling a little. She grabbed Ash's hand again and they started walking again. "That was really nice of Aria to let me give you your trophy for the ceremony last week. Did you ask her to do that?"

Ash shook his head, but smiled at the memory. "No, I didn't have a chance to, although you know I would have, right? It meant even more with you giving me the trophy. Like I said, we're accomplishing our dreams together. And this is just one step in that. Even fighting together at your Masterclass was a step."

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