Chapter 12: "It's a Date"

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"Ash!" Serena jumped forward and grabbed Ash in a huge hug. "I'm so glad you're ok." She held him tightly for a few moments and then pulled back and smiled at him.

Ash looked back with a happy but tired expression. His eyes widened and he quickly scanned the room. His eyes locked onto Greninja and he leaped out of bed to run to his Pokemon, ignoring everyone telling him to take it easy. "Greninja?" He shouted. "Are you alright?"

Greninja had been helped up by Bonnie and Clemont and he looked at Ash. Serena could see the relief and happiness in the Pokemon's expression. "Greninja." Greninja said happily and he hugged Ash.

Pikachu ran over and hopped onto Ash's shoulder and nuzzled his face. "Hey, buddy. Good to see you too." Ash said happily.

Serena walked over to Ash and knelt next to him. "Ash, you should probably get back into bed." She said, voice full of concern.

Ash looked at her, eyes full of energy. "No way!" He said. "I've been out long?"

Clemont answered. "You passed out yesterday after the battle so I'd say about twenty-seven hours."

Ash raised his eyebrows. "That's a long enough sleep for me." He looked at Aria and held out his hand, still holding the stone. "Here, Aria. Thank you for letting me use that."

Aria took it, smiling. She glanced at Serena and then looked back at Ash. "I'm glad I was able to help. And anyways..." She said with a smirk, "...I like seeing you two together." She nodded her head towards Serena.

Serena's eyes widened and her face grew hot. Her heart was racing. Why did they have to tease her so much? She whipped her head towards Ash when he started speaking. He looked a little nervous. Serena knew it wasn't smart to expect it, but she thought for a moment that Ash was going to say something romantic. Instead, he said, "I'm hungry. Can we get something to eat?"

Everyone in the room, even Tierno and Clement, sighed in exasperation. Serena had to smile though. This did mean they had the regular Ash back. "Yeah, let's go eat."

As everyone started to get ready, Greninja walked over to Professor Sycamore and handed him the Greninjanite. Professor Sycamore's eyes widened. "No, Greninja, you can keep this. It might come in handy." Greninja shook his head and then Professor Sycamore smiled, realization coming to his face. "You don't think you need it anymore?"

Greninja nodded and Ash came over, now dressed in his normal clothes and no longer looking like a hospital patient. "Greninja and I can handle anything now." He said. "I think we're starting to understand more about our bond." He looked at Greninja, who nodded back. Serena saw Greninja glance at Delphox next to her, while Ash quickly looked at her. He looked back at Sycamore. "We've started to figure out our strength and how to combine it. I don't think a mega evolution stone will really do anything for us." He paused. "He and I are the mega stones."

Sycamore smiled. "I guess you're right." He took the Greninjanite. "It's truly remarkable what you two have done." He looked at Pikachu on Ash's shoulder. "And obviously you and Pikachu have a bond just as unbreakable. I wouldn't be surprised if he could do the same as Greninja, if he was a Raichu."

Pikachu looked nervous, but smiled when Ash said. "Nah, Pikachu doesn't need to evolve. He's happy the way he is. Right buddy?"

"Pikachu!" Pikachu said.

Serena smiled as Ash and Pikachu looked happily at each other. She loved how Ash refused to do anything his Pokemon didn't want to. It showed how much he cared for them.

"Well, Serena," Shauna whispered in her ear, "it looks like Ash is well enough for the dance."

Serena turned to her, blushing. "What?" She asked, pretending to be ignorant.

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