Chapter 37: Interference

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"I need my top group." Ash said, giving Professor Oak a serious look. "I need my strongest Pokemon." He had thought hard about it as he and Dawn had picked up their pace to get to Lumiose City as fast as possible. They were now only about a day away and he knew exactly which Pokemon he had decided should be with him should things go very badly. "Send me Charizard, Infernape, Sceptile, Pidgeot and Houndoom." He only wished he could use Greninja as well, but maybe he was still watching over Serena in Lumiose City and he would help anyways.

Oak nodded, apparently deciding against asking Ash why he needed his strongest Pokemon. "Alright...I'll go and get them. Please place your pokeballs on the tray and scan your Pokedex in the meantime."

Ash did so and then waited with Dawn. "If anyone is hurting Serena, I'm not letting them get away with it. Pikachu with these five are gonna make them pay."

Dawn nodded, smiling. "And Piplup and I are there to help too." She pumped her fist confidently. "There's nothing to worry about. Either Serena's ok anyways, and we don't evenneed to check on her, or, anyone hurting her is gonna be regretting it this time tomorrow."

"Got that right." Ash muttered. He looked at Pikachu who gave him a quick nod. "I've never put together a group like this before. And the way I've been battling...I don't think anything can stop me."

"I've gotta admit...I'm pretty excited." Dawn said. Ash gave her a disbelieving look and she quickly shook her head. "No! No I don't mean that. I mean about seeing all your strongest Pokemon. I've never even seen your Pidgeot, Charizard or Houndoom. I bet they're awesome."

Ash smiled. "They sure are."

Oak finally arrived back on screen, carrying the five pokeballs in his arms. "Alright, Ash, I've got here. Are you ready?" Ash nodded. Oak clicked a few buttons and the familiar flashes of light transferred the pokeballs from each location. Ash smiled, seeing his new team on the tray in front of him. "All good on my end." Oak informed.

"All good here as well, Professor." Ash said. "Thanks for the help. I'll get in touch soon. Goodbye."

"Bye Professor Oak." Dawn called out.

"Goodbye you two." Oak said, waving before the screen went blank.

Ash looked at Dawn after he picked up his five pokeballs. "Ready to say hi to everyone?" She nodded excitedly and they ran out. They ran for a few minutes to get some distance from the Pokemon centre, so they could avoid getting a crowd in case people recognized Ash.

"It'll be good to see Infernape again. I've missed him." Dawn said. "He was so great in that battle against Paul."

Ash nodded. " he is." Ash threw out the pokeball containing Infernape and the flaming monkey-like Pokemon emerged. When he saw Ash he immediately hugged his trainer. He then noticed Dawn and a look of surprise came on his face. "That's right, Infernape, Dawn's here."

"Infernape!" Infernape yelled, and he gave Dawn a hug as well.

Ash then called out Sceptile, who although it was clear he was excited to see Ash again, he attempted to keep calm and just chew on the twig he kept in his mouth. After that, came Houndoom. The horned dog happily barked a greeting when introduced to Dawn, which made her quite excited, as she had expected him to be moody, despite Ash explaining that he was nothing like Malva. After Houndoom, was Charizard.

"No could you not use him in the Sinnoh Leauge?" Dawn asked, eyes wide as she stared at Charizard.

Ash laughed nervously as Charizard looked at him with a disapproving look. Apparently this was a question he had wondered about himself. "I'm sorry, Charizard. I just were at Charicific Valley..."

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