Chapter 57: League Registration

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"Alright, here we go again," Gary muttered, sounding exasperated. "Blastoise use hydro cannon."

Bonnie couldn't blame Gary for his exasperation. She shook her head and rolled her eyes as the jets of water struck Greninja...and Ash. The former easily handled it, basically taking the jet like it was a shower. Ash, however, was unceremoniously launched away like a rag doll. He landed on his butt with a thud in the grass quite a distance away. As he stood up, comically rubbing his backside as he groaned, Serena rushed to him, everyone following behind. Everyone else, meaning Bonnie, Clemont and Ash's other friends, who had all decided to stay to watch the Kalos League.

As Serena fussed over Ash, Bonnie looked at the other practice fields that had been set up in the trainer's village. The registration hadn't opened yet, but many people had already shown up and were busy training their Pokemon. Hers eyes rested on Alain and Mairin. Bonnie didn't expect Alain to be training, but the fact he was training with his Metang made it a bit easier to comprehend. That Charizard of his didn't need too much.

"Why do you insist on hurting yourself?" Serena almost yelled, causing Bonnie to turn her attention back to the couple. "Getting hurt won't help you and Greninja get that form back."

"If he takes damage, I should take damage," Ash argued. "We need to make things the same as when it worked. I know we can get it back."

"You're being such a kid," Iris muttered. Bonnie resisted the urge to kick her. Iris was quite irritating, as she always seemed to say that.

"I think it's actually quite the exquisite blend of loyalty and friendship," Cilan announced. "I can smell the sweet aroma of an unbreakable bond." He sniffed the air and sighed contentedly. Bonnie giggled. Cilan was definitely strange, but likeable.

"He can have an unbreakable bond as long as it doesn't break his bones," Serena said with frightening authority. Nobody seemed willing to say anything to argue with that. Except, of course, Ash.

"If I'm winning this league, I need to do whatever I can to be stronger. This is one of the ways I'm going to do that." He looked Serena in the eyes. "I need you to trust me. I'll be fine."

"And...checkmate," Misty chuckled. Bonnie laughed as well. It was clear by Serena's sigh and Ash's grin that he'd convinced her.

"Can you at least take a break?" Serena asked. "You need to take a rest once in a while. That'll be important, don't you think?"

Ash paused for a moment. Bonnie could tell two of his three main desires were in conflict. Making Serena happy versus training for the league. His third desire to eat made the choice, though, as his stomach suddenly growled loudly. "Uh...break time it is," he said with an embarrassed laugh.

Luckily for everyone in the group, Brock and Cilan were master chefs and Clemont wasn't so bad, either. The three of them quickly got to work, while everyone else got to setting up some picnic tables. The group had gotten quite large, so they needed a couple.

While in the middle of their preparations, though, Bonnie noticed Ash was missing. Obviously Serena had as well, because their was an irritated breathing sound coming from her direction. Then, the sound of an explosion behind some trees, alerted everyone to where Ash was, and Bonnie, Serena and Dawn went to see what was up.

Ash and Greninja were both on their backs and Noivern was watching them while hovering in the air above. Apparently he'd just used boomburst. Bonnie was a little surprised. It seemed the young dragon type had more power in him than Gary's Blastoise. And that thing was insanely strong. Even though its attacks were less effective against Greninja, it had been attacking him for a while. Noivern had managed to wind him pretty good.

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