Chapter 18: Almost There

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Ash sat in a chair next to Mairin's Chespin's hospital bed. He looked across at Mairin who looked back with interest apparent on her face. He had just explained his entire ordeal. How he'd fought the two Team Flare members with Serena and then tracked down their boat, before being chased down after hiding Pikachu and his other Pokemon. He left out the part of his mental communication through Greninja. That was a little harder to explain.

"Wow, so you sacrificed yourself so your friends could escape?" Mairin asked in shock.

Ash shrugged. "I guess you could say it like that."

Mairin thought for a moment. "But, how do you know they're coming here to save you? How would they even know where you are?" She asked.

Ash scratched his neck nervously. "Um...well..." He said. "My Pokemon, can sometimes sense where I am."

Mairin's eyes widened. "No're lying." Ash shook his head. Mairin looked at Chespin. "Do you think Chespie and I will be able to do that one day?" She asked.

Ash smiled. "Of course. He's your partner, right?"

Mairin nodded. "I got him from Professor Sycamore."

Ash looked at Chespin. He was still sleeping and had the odd, green glow around him. "He'll get better soon and then you two will have lots of journeys together. You'll even catch more Pokemon."

Mairin smiled. She opened her pokeball containing her Flabebe. Ash realized that Team Flare had decided that the Flabebe wasn't worth worrying about, which he realized must have meant the lockdown on the room was pretty secure. He looked at Flabebe, who was now on Mairin's shoulder. "You're going to be on our journey, too, right Bebe?" She asked her Pokemon.

"Fla-be!" Bebe, the Flabebe said happily.

Ash laughed. "See, you've already become good friends with your Flabebe. You'll make a lot more. And then, you'll grow so close that you can sense each other's feelings."

Mairin looked at Ash and this time she had a bit of a smirk on her face. "But, it's not just your Pokemon you're close with, right?"

Ash squinted in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Mairin giggled. "The way you talked about that Serena girl. Is she your girlfriend?"

Ash blushed. "Well...yeah."

Mairin laughed. When Ash looked at her confused, she managed to stop for a moment. "Isn't it supposed to be the guy who rescues the trapped girl?" She laughed again.

Ash scowled. "Funny." He said.

Mairin sighed. "Oh, alright, I guess the only reason you're trapped is because you saved her. You deserve some credit for that."

Ash raised his eyebrows. "Wow, thanks." He said sarcastically.

Mairin looked again at Chespin, who Ash realized he should now be referring to as Chespie. "Didn't Lysandre say you were travelling with a Pokemon like the one he had in that lab?"

Ash nodded. "My friend, Bonnie is taking care of it. We call it Squishy. He stays in the small, green form, though. At least most of the time."

Mairin looked at Ash. "So those Pokemon have something to do with how Chespie got sick. Lysandre said Chespie got involved when they were doing experiments." Ash nodded and Mairin continued. "So, maybe the Zygarde or Squishy or whatever you have can help Chespie?" She asked hopefully.

Ash thought for a moment. He didn't want to get Mairin's hopes up, but the idea actually did make some sense. "Maybe." He said. "It seems like the best shot right now."

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