Chapter 15: Team Flare

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Ash was feeling great after they left Gloria City. They'd been able to find Brock and Shauna before leaving and say goodbye to them, and now they were on the road. Clemont had suggested bypassing the mountains, so they were walking the long way around, along the beach. Everyone liked that idea, as they weren't in a big rush. They had enough time to safely get to Snowbelle City and have Ash get his eight badges for the Kalos League plus take Serena's mom's invitation to stay at her house.

"I feel great!" Ash yelled. He was well ahead of the rest of the group. He looked back to see Clemont well behind and Serena, Pikachu on her shoulder, and Bonnie a bit ahead of him. Ash was happy that Pikachu was spending some time with Serena. It was obvious that his friend was trying to make it clear to Serena that he liked her.

"Slow down, Ash." Clemont pleaded. "We'll get there soon enough."

Ash waited for his friends. While he did so, he pulled out his badge case and studied his badges. He was so excited to get his eighth one. Ice types, he thought. Definitely gotta use Talonflame. And obviously Greninja's one of my strongest. I wish I knew how many I needed.

"You're gonna be great, Ash. Even if you're at a disadvantage, you always find a way to pull through." Serena said, as she and Bonnie reached Ash.

Ash looked up at her. He was amazed at how well she could understand him. I was so clueless. He thought to himself. "Well I already know the first two Pokemon I'm gonna use." Ash said. "Talonflame and Greninja."

Serena gave him a serious look. "Be careful using Greninja."

Ash sighed. "I'm not gonna have a strong Pokemon like him, sit out an important battle like this." He narrowed his eyes. "Olympia said we'd need to use our ability, so that's what we're going to do."

Serena looked worriedly at Bonnie and then back to Ash. "I guess I won't convince you to do otherwise?"

Ash shrugged. "You're the only one who might be able to...but...I'd like you not to."

Serena looked shocked, clearly not expecting him to say that she might be able to stop him from using Greninja's mega evolution. Then she thought about it and Ash knew she wouldn't stop him. "Just be careful about it." She said.

"Pi-pikachu." Pikachu said, with a similar worried look.

"Don't worry." Ash said. He moved next to Serena and held her hand. He looked at her and then Pikachu. "I'm very cautious. You know that."

Bonnie giggled. "Let's hope there's nothing for you to jump off of at the Snowbelle gym."

Ash looked at Serena and saw she had cracked a smile. "I like a nice, calm and boring life. Isn't that right Pikachu?" He gave Pikachu a wink. "We keep it simple."

Pikachu smiled. "Pika!" He said.

Serena finally cracked and laughed. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." She said. She sighed. "So I guess we don't know how many Pokemon you have to use in the battle yet, do we?"

"I think I know." Clemont had finally caught up to them. They all started walking again, this time staying together. "When I was staying in Lumiose City, I had a challenger that had gone to the Snowbelle gym. He only had three Pokemon and he mentioned that they'd all been beaten there, so I'm guessing it's a three on three battle."

"Alright." Ash said. He thought for a few moments. "So Talonflame, because flame charge will come in handy. Greninja, because...well..." He didn't need to finish. "Who should be my third?"

Bonnie squeaked excitedly. "What about Pidgeot?" She asked hopefully. "He beat Tierno's Raichu easily."

Ash had to admit, Pidgeot was a tempting option. Obviously he would need Pidgeot in the Kalos League, but for some reason he had a gut feeling Pidgeot wasn't right for this battle. "I don't know. I mean, obviously Pidgeot's strong, but ice types are a tricky thing. I just don't feel he's right for this battle."

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