Chapter 23: Ash vs Malva: An Elite Challenge

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Ash glared across at Malva. He was surprised she had waited for him to send Serena and Mairin down safely. She answered his mental question quickly though. "I'm quite interested to have a battle with you. I'm impressed with your Infernape." She said.

Ash looked at Pikachu and smiled. "Well get ready to be even more impressed. Infernape's strong, but Pikachu's my ace."

Malva narrowed her eyes. "Pikachu was your starter Pokemon?" She asked.

Ash nodded. "Pikachu and I have been together for a long time. We've been through a lot together. He's my best friend."

Malva smirked. "He doesn't look like much to me." She gestured towards her growling Houndoom. It pawed at the ground, looking impatient. "This looks like real strength." She then gestured towards the ground, where Ash's friends were. "Your Charizard, Infernape and Greninja look to have real strength." She looked at Pikachu. "He's weak."

Ash shrugged. "Charizard is probably my strongest Pokemon and Infernape and Greninja aren't too far behind, but Pikachu's got a little something special." Pikachu looked back and smiled at his trainer. "Pikachu's speed, smarts and heart are what make him my best weapon."

Malva laughed. "We'll see how long he lasts against Houndoom. If he lasts a couple of minutes, maybe that will change my mind."

Ash didn't answer, but instead ordered his first attack. It was time to stop talking and get this battle started. "Pikachu, let's start this off with our favourite move. Thunderbolt!" Pikachu leaped into the air, and let loose an already charged thunderbolt, straight at Houndoom.

Malva was quick to respond. "Dark pulse!" She ordered. Houndoom stepped back and blasted the dark energy straight towards Pikachu's thunderbolt. The two attacks slammed into each other and exploded on impact. "Now leap over and use crunch!" Malva shouted.

"Iron tail!" Ash countered. Houndoom easily leaped across the hole in the roof and rushed towards Pikachu. He opened his jaws to bite, just as Pikachu swung his shining, silvery tail towards it.

"Now hold onto its tail!" Malva shouted, looking pleased. Houndoom sunk his jaws into Pikachu's iron tail attack. They stood there a moment staring at each other. Pikachu still in the air looking at the powerful Pokemon that had his tail in its jaws. "Now your trapped." Malva said, smirking.

Ash smiled. "Not quite. Pikachu, electro-ball!" He felt a rush of satisfaction as he saw Malva's look of shock. Pikachu's tail quickly charged up the sphere of electricity and he released it right into Houndoom's jaws.

Houndoom roared in pain and was launched back, barely managing to stop itself from falling through the hole. "Smarten up, Houndoom!" Malva yelled. Houndoom looked back at her, looking frustrated. Ash thought he noticed something. Did Houndoom's horn just shrink a little? He thought.

"Pikachu, thunderbolt!" Ash ordered. Pikachu again leaped into the air and launched a powerful bolt of electricity towards Houndoom.

"Flamethrower!" Houndoom reared its head back and opened its jaws. He jerked his head forwards and launched a massive blast of flames that powered through the thunderbolt and then rocketed towards Pikachu.

"Quick attack to dodge." Ash said quickly. Pikachu sped out of the way, just in time, narrowly avoiding the flames that scorched into the ground where he'd just been standing. "Now, use that speed and hit it with iron tail!" Ash yelled. Pikachu continued its quick attack and was in front of Houndoom before it could even register what was happening. Pikachu leaped into the air, pulled his tail back and swung it forward, now gleaming in a silvery shine again. He slammed it into Houndoom's side, knocking the mega evolved Pokemon to the ground.

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