Chapter 10: Battle For Kalos Queen

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Author's Note:

Quick little thing. Remember I wrote this for FanFiction a long time ago, so early work for me and not my best. Flawed mega evolution logic is in this chapter. Anyways, hopefully it doesn't kill it for you. Hope you enjoy.

Serena's ears felt like they were being drilled into. The crowd had never been louder. She took her place across from Aria and then looked at the crowd. Thousands of fans were cheering. She could hear the loud cheers for Aria, but her eyes widened when she heard her own name being chanted.

"You already have fans!" Ash yelled over to her happily. He was standing in his battle position, across from where Pierre would stand next to Aria.

Serena smiled to him then turned back to the crowd and waved. She saw Bonnie, Clemont and Alexa waving to her and she felt a shudder of excitement course through her. She could do this. She could actually do this. She glanced quickly at Ash who was talking to Greninja. She felt a pang of worry, but decided that she couldn't do anything to stop Ash. He's gonna do what he's gonna do, she thought.

"Alright everyone!" Monsieur Pierre called to the crowd and they quieted down. "Here is a quick recap of the rules. A double performance battle. If either Aria or Serena lose their Pokemon, the battle is over. We have a time limit of twenty minutes. If the ladies' Pokemon remain, we judge which one performed best. Ash Ketchum and myself are here to compliment our partners' performances and we shall do everything in our power to help them win."

Serena looked at Ash who was nodding at Monsieur Pierre. She felt a huge wave of gratitude come over her. Ash was going to put everything into this. She looked at Greninja and thought of his special form. Well, hopefully not everything, she thought.

Monsieur Pierre continued. "Alright, I shall hand things over to our stand by referee and announcer, Palermo!"

Serena's eyes widened and she watched as Palermo came out from backstage and took the microphone from Monsieur Pierre. "Hello everyone," she said in what sounded like a bored voice. "I will be serving as referee and finishing up on the announcing." She looked at Serena and Aria. "Are you two ready to begin?"

Aria snapped her fingers and Delphox stepped forward, her branch shooting of a quick jet of flames. "We're set." She said. "Pierre?" She asked.

Monsieur Pierre tossed out a pokeball. A large, white fox-like Pokemon came out. Serena thought it looked a little like a giant Fennekin, but instead of a bushy tail it seemed to have...

"Ninetales!" Ash said excitedly.

Serena pulled out her Pokedex. It explained for her, "Ninetales, the fire and fox type Pokemon and the evolved form of Vulpix. Legends surround its many tails, some claiming that each has its own mysterious power. One of the most intelligent of all Pokemon." Serena gulped. This was going to be tough.

Pierre called out. "We're ready."

Palermo nodded and looked at Serena. "Ready, Serena?" Serena felt as if Palermo was asking her two questions at once. She remembered what Ash said and she stayed calm.

"Braixen, go." Braixen went forward, eyes flashing with furious determination. Serena looked at Ash. "I'm ready. Are you?"

Ash nodded. "You bet. Greninja let's go!" He yelled and Greninja stepped forward slowly, keeping his eyes trained on Ninetales.

Palermo nodded to both trainers on each side. "Let the battle for Kalos Queen begin!" She yelled out and the crowd cheered.

Ash was the quickest to react. "Greninja, water pulse now! On Ninetales." Greninja and Ash had responded so quick that none of the other three trainers, or their Pokemon had time to react and Greninja's blast of water struck Ninetales full on, knocking it back many feet towards its trainer.

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