Chapter 19: Lysandre's Plan

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Serena hopped off of Noivern's back in front of the Geosenge Town Pokemon centre. She looked up at Pikachu on her shoulder and smiled. They were finally here and they had made it in great time. She held out Noivern's pokeball and recalled him back into it, thanking him for his great flying. She looked into the sky, to see Bonnie and Clemont flying with Pidgeot towards where they were meeting Officer Jenny.

"Well, Pikachu," Serena said, "I guess we should get you and the others a quick check up. Unfortunately I think we'll need to all be ready for a fight."

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded.

Serena walked into the Pokemon centre, pulling out her pokeballs and also the belt that had Ash's. She'd been holding onto it, although she'd left Pidgeot's with Clemont since they were flying together. She walked up to the desk and towards Nurse Joy.

"Hello, there." Nurse Joy said happily. "Would you like me to check up on your Pokemon?" She asked nicely.

Serena smiled. "Hi Nurse Joy. Yes, please." She handed over all the pokeballs. She was evasive in explaining why she had Ash's, just saying her friend was busy and asked her to bring them. Pikachu also hopped over onto the tray that Nurse Joy had put the pokeballs on.

"Alright, I'll check all of them out. You can relax by the TV over there." She pointed to a couch which was under a TV near the front of the lobby.

"Ok, thanks Nurse Joy." Serena said.

Serena walked over to the couch. She wasn't really interested in watching TV, but she thought she might as well see if anything interesting was happening on the news. Maybe there was something about Team Flare. She picked up a remote that was on a table next to the couch and clicked through the channels until she came to a news channel. She wasn't surprised to see it was just a regular kind of story. A reporter was talking to a Pokemon trainer who had won his town's battle tournament. It was a really snobby trainer, with spiky blonde hair and a dirty looking tracksuit and Serena became irritated by him quickly. Ash would beat this guy easily. She thought, as they played highlights of the battles and she noticed the trainer doing many things that she knew Ash would easily have overcome.

Serena was starting to lose interest and was about to turn off the TV when all of a sudden a breaking news alert came on. The interview with the snobby trainer cut off quickly and the screen cut away to a reporter who was standing in front of the Lumiose City Airport.

"I'm here live at the Lumiose International Airport." The reporter said. "We've just gotten word of a very peculiar incident. No need to worry right now, it seems, but the situation was very odd just a few hours ago."

Serena's eyes widened when the screen cut to a video of a landing plane, with two Pokemon on the back. Just as it landed, one of the Pokemon, a large, flaming, monkey-like Pokemon jumped onto the back of the other Pokemon, a larger, orange, dragon/lizard-like Pokemon with a flaming tail. The dragon-like Pokemon immediately flew off the plane and started flying high into the sky.

"It appeared as if the two Pokemon were an Infernape and a Charizard." The reporter narrated. "The plane, coming from Pallet Town, in the Kanto region, had been operating normally the entire flight, according to the pilot." The reporter laughed. "Right now it seems as if the two just wanted a free ride to Kalos."

The screen cut to two news anchors, a dark haired man and a red haired woman. The man laughed in response to the reporter. "Yes, well can you blame them? Kalos is lovely this time of year."

The woman laughed as well. "Of course. And, since they didn't cause any harm, we'll forgive them for not paying for their tickets. At least they've provided us with an interesting story."

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