Chapter 72: Rivalries Within a Rivalry

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Ash narrowed his eyes quickly, focusing in on the battle ahead. He saw Squirtle's training with the Squirtle Squad kick in right away. As the smaller turtle Pokemon hurtled towards his opponent, spinning rapidly and shooting out water, he dipped past the jets that Blastoise had shot out, and skidded along the water. Squirtle started shooting along the water, circling Blastoise and striking him with bursts of water. Even though they weren't very effective strikes, they were clearly doing damage, as evidence by Blastoise's growls of pain.

Calem was quick to try to turn the tide of battle, though. "Blastoise, keep moving. Use Rapid Spin!" Immediately, the large turtle Pokemon withdrew into his shell and started skidding along the water, just like Squirtle was doing. Ash realized Calem's plan too late. "Hit Squirtle!"

"No, Squirtle!" Ash called out in concern. His oldest water type was quickly struck by the much larger shell, and he flew back towards Ash, landing hard on a rock.

"Now hit him with Ice Beam!" Calem quickly ordered, throwing his arm out in front of himself. Blastoise quickly leaped out of the water, his spinning adding some speed, and he fired a jet of icy energy from his large jaws. Squirtle was still wincing from the previous strike, and had no opportunity to dodge. The ice quickly started to cover his chest.

Ash knew he needed to move quickly. He scanned his mind for an idea, and then suddenly it came to him. It might not work, but it was worth a try. "Charge into that Ice Beam with a Skull Bash!" Squirtle didn't hesitate at all. He quickly tensed up and then kicked off hard, braving the ice that blasted into him. And as he whipped forward, Ash saw his plan working. Bit by bit, Squirtle was becoming encased in ice. Finally, just before reaching Blastoise, he'd become an ice torpedo, almost like Buizel had done on some occasions. He somehow powered through the rest of the Ice Beam, and then struck Blastoise hard in the chest. The ice shattered all around them, and then miraculously, the massive shape of Blastoise went flying back, as though it was him with the size disadvantage. He crashed into a rock in a similar way to how Squirtle had a few moments earlier.

"Incredible power on both sides!" the announcer shouted. "The fully evolved Blastoise is clearly quite powerful, but give Squirtle credit. Evolution isn't holding him back."

Ash nodded to himself at those words, watching as Squirtle spun back and landed safely on a rock after landing his strike. He glanced quickly towards Blastoise and knew he had another opportunity to strike with the opponent still dazed. "Squirtle, use Bubble Beam!"

Calem was trusting that Blastoise would recover in time, though. "Ice Beam, one more time!"

Squirtle was the first to move. He inhaled quickly, and the opened his mouth and a stream of bubbles sped towards Blastoise. Then, just before hitting, the larger turtle Pokemon opened his own jaws, and fired out the icy jet of energy. It cut through the bubbles quite easily, and then hit Squirtle with impressive speed, knocking the smaller turtle Pokemon backwards.

"Now, Rapid Spin!" Calem shouted.

Ash saw Squirtle quickly get up, and knew he needed to act quickly as well. "Counter with Skull Bash!"

And suddenly, both Pokemon were kicking off from the rocks beneath them and flying over the water towards each other. Blastoise was rapidly spinning in his shell, while Squirtle barrelled towards his opponent with his head aimed forward. With a couple of seconds, they crashed together and flew apart, both crashing into the water with huge splashes. They both scrambled out onto rocks and glared at each other, panting.

Ash knew this thing was nearing its end, and knew they needed to act. "Water Gun!" he shouted.

"Ice Beam!" Calem countered.

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