Chapter 9: The Duo Performance

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Ash was standing with Serena, Pidgeot and Braixen backstage. They were behind Miette, who was performing with a short, dark haired guy that seemed a little older than Ash. He didn't seem too impressive, but Ash supposed Miette picked him for a reason. About to go on, was Shauna and Tierno, their Ivysaur and Blastoise both shaking with excitement.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome lady Shauna and her partner Tierno, along with their wonderful Pokemon Ivysaur and Blastoise!" Monsieur Pierre yelled out to the crowd. The crowd responded with a loud cheer. Monsieur Pierre looked at the two and nodded. "You may begin."

Ash could see Serena's eyes widen, clearly impressed with Shauna and Tierno. They had Ivysaur lift up, Blastoise with vine whip and then Blastoise had begun to spin in midair. As the turtle Pokemon came down, Ivysaur started spinning him with its vines. Then, Ivysaur quickly, one by one, grabbed Tierno and Shauna and placed them on top of the spinning Blastoise. This was where Tierno's dancing ability and Shauna's experience with performing took over and the danced perfectly on top of the spinning Blastoise, never missing a step. When they finished, the crowd roared in approval.

Ash looked at Serena and noticed she was clenching her jaw. "Relax, Serena." He said. "You can top that." She gave him a grateful look, but continued to look nervous as Miette stepped onto the stage and began her own performance.

Miette had her Slurpuff, while her partner used a Jigglypuff. They had them do a routine of Slurpuff firing energy ball into the air while Jigglypuff responded with double slap and would knock it to the ground, causing a shower of green lights. Then Slurpuff used and combination of psychic and fairy wind, while Jigglypuff used hyper voice. The light show of green and pink went into the audience, but the crowd was not impressed with hyper voice. Ash could see Miette's irritation clearly. As she and her partner left the stage she was cursing at him.

"Now, ladies and gentlemen," Pierre began, "our final performance before we decide who shall be battling Queen Aria and myself...please welcome...Serena and Ash, along with their beautiful Pokemon, Braixen and Pidgeot!"

The crowd roared loudly. Serena had become a fan favourite with the fashion show and the realization that Ash was an accomplished battler had also garnered some interest. The crowd was also entranced by Pidgeot, a Pokemon many of them had never seen and even much different than if they had seen a Pidgeot before.

Pierre eyed Ash and Serena and then looked at the crowd. "Alright, let the show begin!"

Ash and Serena nodded at each other and then Serena called out to Braixen. "Braixen, flamethrower, aim up!"

At the same time Ash called to Pidgeot, "Pidgeot, gust!"

Both Pokemon responded to their trainers' orders immediately. So fast, in fact that the audience had barely registered that their Pokemon had received commands. Braixen's brilliant flamethrower went skyward, rocketing up so that it almost reached the ceiling of the theatre. Pidgeot kicked off the stage and flew above the audience, creating many gasps which were followed by cheers. The powerful bird Pokemon sent a tornado-like blast of wind to the flamethrower and it began to rapidly spin. This created the biggest cheer from the crowd.

"Braixen, hidden power!" Serena yelled. Braixen sent a blue ball of energy at the tornado and it exploded into a shower of blue and red sparks. "Ok, Ash, now!" She called to Ash.

"Pidgeot!" Ash called and Pidgeot flew to him and he leaped onto his Pokemon's back. This was the big part of their performance. Pidgeot turned back, flew into the audience once more and then face Serena and Braixen.

"Braixen, fire blast!" Serena ordered. Braixen sent the blast at Pidgeot, causing the crowd to gasp in surprise.

"Pidgeot, mirror move!" Ash yelled. The crowd gasped again as Pidgeot was remarkably able to send the same move back towards, Braixen. The two fire blasts collided in midair, creating a massive, fiery explosion. "Now use gust!" Ash ordered. Pidgeot responded quickly and blew the fire towards Braixen.

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