Chapter 48: The Battle of Lumiose City Part 3

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Squishy was furious. He couldn't believe what that horrible man was doing to his friend. He had to get up there. He could tell that his presence was having an effect. He could see his friend was becoming agitated. He was starting to break free of his restraints. Lysandre's weapons were powerful, of course, but they couldn't trump friendship. They couldn't match the power of Squishy and his friends.

Thinking of his friends made Squishy feel guilty. He was hoping he could have brought Bonnie. He knew that it was likely that if Lysandre did, indeed, have Serena, that she would likely be with him up in that helicopter. Not to mention, he had grown quite fond of having her around. She was fun to be with. As stressful as Squishy's life had been for so long now, Bonnie had made it much easier to cope. The others as well. It was fun watching Clemont make inventions and Serena do her performances. And, of course, Ash's battles were truly exciting. Squishy had never thought that battles could be so entertaining when they weren't used as a method to capture him.

Squishy decided to try a dragon pulse. He didn't want to hurt his friend, but he couldn't think of any other way to properly get his attention. Clearly his presence was having an effect, but maybe his attacks and his power could further draw the attention of his friend.

He was just preparing the attack, when he heard the sounds of battling near the city entrance. It wasn't just the sound of battling, though. There was also a scream. It was Bonnie. She was in danger. Squishy closed his eyes and thought for a moment. He desperately wanted to help his fellow Zygarde, but he also needed to help Bonnie. He winced as he made his choice and he turned around. Zygarde could wait. Bonnie needed his help now.

Squishy rushed through the streets. It would have been a strange sight for people if they had been there to see it, but obviously Lumiose City was quite empty. The large, green snake-like Pokemon dodged past a few cars that were in his way and slid under traffic lights and skidded around corners. He knew he had to hurry. The sounds were getting closer. Squishy was almost sure he could hear Clemont and maybe some others as well.

Suddenly, as Squishy rounded a corner, he almost slammed into a frog-like Pokemon and his fox-like companion. It was Greninja and Delphox! They looked at each other for a moment. Greninja and Delphox looked stunned to see Squishy in his powerful snake-like form. Squishy was pretty surprised as well. These two hadn't looked very good earlier. They didn't exactly look too good now, but considering they were in the hospital a few hours ago, they were doing fairly well.

Greninja stared at Squishy a moment and then nodded and started running towards the area where Bonnie's scream had come from. Delphox and Squishy were quick to move after him. Squishy was surprised by Greninja's speed. He seemed to be limiting it for Delphox, but he was still moving at a pretty rapid pace. Squishy was aware he was what many would consider a legendary Pokemon, but he doubted he could pull through the pain that Greninja was dealing with right now. In his opinion, that was legendary.

It only took a couple of minutes and they could see the exit to the city. Each of them picked up their speed, hearing the sounds of the battles outside of the city growing louder. They could also hear the battle that they were rushing towards. They rushed through the exit and immediately noticed the battle up ahead.

The first thing Squishy noticed, was that Bonnie was with a fairly large group of friends. He recognized Clemont and also the man named Brock. There was also a man dressed up like a Blaziken, a guy with spiky brown hair, a girl with orange hair and a girl with brown hair. Despite the large group, though, they seemed wary of the two Team Flare members facing them. Clearly they'd lost some Pokemon from battling them. Squishy was stunned to see Goodra down and not looking too good. It had seemed like he was far more powerful than most of the Pokemon here, but apparently the constant fighting had gotten to him. Although, he seemed to be trying to struggle to his feet. Perhaps he'd still be able to help.

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