Chapter 65: The Next Challenge

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"Hawlucha, you did it!" Ash yelled, jumping onto the field and sliding on the ice over to his proud looking Pokemon.

"Lucha!" Hawlucha answered happily, turning around, looking more delighted than ever. He jumped up and gave Ash a high five with his clawed hand.

Ash looked over to where Absol was lying, now being comforted by Astrid, who was stroking her Pokemon's white fur. She seemed to be murmuring some words of comfort and then she recalled Absol to his pokeball and she stood up and looked at Ash. She smiled and then walked over. "Congratulations, Ash. That was a great battle." She gave Hawlucha a little nod as well. "You've definitely improved, Hawlucha. You were so fast and strong."

"Haw-hawlucha!" Hawlucha said, which Ash assumed was some kind of thanks.

"You and your Pokemon were all really great as well, Astrid," Ash pointed out, thinking on how tough a battle it actually was, despite him sweeping the last half. He held out his hand. "We'll battle again, really soon, ok?"

Astrid nodded and shook his hand. "Of course. We each have a win. It'll be a tie breaker next time." She didn't sound too serious about that and was clearly joking, but Ash liked the sound of it, actually. He might have taken the more important victory, but he did see how one could see that they'd need a tie breaker one day.

"Hawlucha will win again next time," Ash assured Astrid. "So will my other Pokemon."

Before Astrid could answer, a familiar weight landed on Ash's shoulder, and he looked up to see Pikachu smiling back at him. Then, arms wrapped around his back and he noticed Serena hugging him tightly. Bonnie and Clemont were also there. The others seemed to be heading out, obviously not wanting to crowd the field.

"Congratulations!" Serena squeaked happily, quickly kissing Ash, which surprised him, since hundreds of people were watching. Serena seemed to realize that a moment later, as she blushed and glanced around, appearing a little embarrassed. She ended her hug and opted for holding Ash's hand instead. " were good as well, Astrid. That was a great battle."

"Thanks, Serena," Astrid said, ignoring Serena's embarrassment. "You know, I think I lost, because Ash is far more motivated than me. He's really on a mission, here."

Ash and Serena exchanged a knowing smile. They both knew what Astrid meant. "One third of the way there," Ash told his girlfriend. "Four more battles."

"They only get harder from here, Ash," Astrid warned, causing Ash to look at her again. "Obviously you know that, but just make sure to keep sharp. The final sixteen are going to be really tough."

"I'm ready for anything," Ash said, pumping his fist with his free hand. "Right Pikachu and Hawlucha?"

"Lucha!" Hawlucha yelled, posing proudly.

"Pika!" Pikachu said with his own fist pump.

Suddenly the announcer's voice rang out through the arena, and everyone looked up, wondering what was going on. "Ladies and gentlemen, let's just quickly congratulate Ash and Astrid on a terrific battle. Both of them fought their hardest and proved just how tough this league is, even for the most talented trainers and their powerful Pokemon." The crowd cheered in agreement, chanting out both Ash's and Astrid's names. When they settled down, the announcer continued. "With this battle over, all battles for the second round have now concluded and the final sixteen are now set to move on and do battle in our grand stadium up top."

This brought a huge cheer and Ash looked at Serena. "I hope Alain, Sawyer, Tierno and Calem made it. There's not many left now, are there?"

"I don't think we need to worry about Alain, Sawyer and Calem," Serena said with a light laugh. "Tierno might have had a bit of trouble, though."

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