Chapter 36: Giovanni's Twisted Plan

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It had been a week since Ash and Dawn had started travelling together. They'd made fairly good progress and hadn't had many slowdowns, with the exception of earlier this morning. Ash had made a transfer with Professor Oak and had brought back Noctowl, Quilava, Bayleaf, Totodile and Snorlax. Snorlax ended up wandering off and had started eating another trainer's food at his campsite.

Ash ended up having a battle with this trainer, who promised to forgive the incident if Ash beat him. It was fairly quick, with Quilava, Totodile and Bayleaf easily sweeping the three on three battle. Ash and Snorlax were forgiven and they were able to leave. Although, Ash had to unfortunately keep Snorlax in his pokeball, as the massive Pokemon started to immediately sleep.

"What's up with you and your Pokemon?" Dawn asked, as Pikachu and Piplup ran ahead to join Ash's other Pokemon up ahead. "You were so strong against that guy."

Ash shrugged. "I don't know how to explain it. Ever since Anistar City, I've felt different in my battles. It's kind of like a peaceful feeling when I'm battling."

Dawn thought for a moment and then smiled. "Kind of like when you faced Paul in the Sinnoh League, right?"

"What?" Ash asked. He hadn't really thought of it as something he'd felt before. However, as hedid think of it...his battle with Paul...

"You were so calm before that battle. Evenduring that battle." Dawn said. Ash noticed she was talking like she was impressed. "Brock and I had been so worried about you, because of how much trouble Paul had given you. And honestly, we thought he would be able to get in your head. But, I guess like you say you feel now, you were at peace."

Ash nodded, starting to remember what that battle was like. How he'd felt. He really hadmanaged to calm himself down for that battle. And his own calm demeanour had seemed to calm his Pokemon. He'd had a clear strategy and knew that he and his Pokemon had a pure desire to win that battle. There was really no way they were losing that battle. As he thought about it, he'd felt like that in other key battles as well. Against Gary in the Johto League, against various gym leaders, against Alain with Charizard and against Malva. Even in a battle he'd lost, like in Serena's showcase. He didn't think he'd have lost that, though, if he'd been able to fully control his connection with Greninja.

Dawn was looking at Ash curiously, and he realized he'd been silent for a few minutes. "You're right." He finally said. "It's not a totally new feeling." He paused, trying to find the right words. "It's weird, though. When I've felt like this before, it's only been in key battles. It's sort of when my Pokemon and I have are really connected in what we want." He stopped and looked at Dawn, but she just looked back with interest, like she wanted to hear more, so he continued. "I kind of feels like I can really understand what my Pokemon are capable of and they can understand that they can really trust me. It's just weird that it's happening so much lately.

"It's a good thing, though, isn't it?" Dawn asked. "If you fight like this for the Kalos League, how could you lose?"

Ash smiled, knowing that, in a way, it was true. "I really hope so. I feel like, beyond any other Pokemon League I've challenged, this is my best chance." He watched the Pokemon up ahead. Totodile had begun to do a little dance and Piplup had started attempting to mimic him. He then turned his attention back to Dawn, who was still watching him. "Something wrong?"

Dawn shook her head and then smiled. "I was just thinking I'd really like to come and watch you in the Kalos League. Would that be alright?"

Ash laughed at what he considered a ridiculous question. "Of course, Dawn. That would be awesome."

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