Chapter 40: Ash's New Rival

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"Finally, Shalour City." Ash said, looking at the coastal city from Charizard's back. "I hope this is all worth it."

"It will be." Dawn said. "So where is the gym?"

Ash pointed towards the Tower of Mastery. "Over there. Luckily we won't have to wait for the path to open up since we've got these two." He gestured to Charizard and Pidgeot. "That was pretty frustrating when I first wanted to challenge the gym."

Dawn sighed exasperatedly. "Of course it would be. I bet you didn't stop complaining."

Ash laughed, but didn't answer. He just pointed for Charizard and Pidgeot to fly towards the Tower of Mastery and land in front. In a couple of minutes, the two Pokemon landed perfectly in front, and Ash and Dawn looked up at the tower.

A voice behind them got Ash's attention. "I thought this would be where I'd meet you." Ash turned and smiled, seeing Calem. He was on the back of his Fearow. "I saw you guys flying ahead of me and I knew you'd be heading to the gym." He said.

Ash nodded. "Yeah, there's something I'm supposed to do here. Not really sure yet." He looked at Calem with confusion. "You didn't come here just to battle did you?"

Calem laughed, looking a little embarrassed. "Um...actually yeah. See, I don't have much to do besides training, until the Kalos League starts. Since I heard you're so good, I wanted to challenge you."

Dawn shook her head, again looking exasperated. "You two need to find something else to do besides battling."

Ash was about to make a retort, when another voice interrupted. "Ash? What are you doing here?" He turned and saw it was Korrina, dressed in her red and white roller skater outfit, her blonde hair sticking out of her helmet. She looked at Calem. "And you, Calem."

"Hi Korrina." Ash said happily. "'s kind of complicated." He pointed inside. "Is it alright if we come in?"

Korrina nodded. As they went in, Ash introduced Korrina to Dawn. He then gave her a rough explanation of what had happened with Serena. He noticed the Shalour gym leader didn't seem surprised at all that he and Serena had ended up together. He then explained the situation with Greninja and how he had gone to Olympia to see if she could help him.

"So she told me to come here. I guess she thinks your grandfather could help me understand it since it seems to be some kind of mega evolution." Ash explained, as they stood in front of the Lucario statue at the centre of the tower.

Before Korrina could answer, Calem interrupted. "Is that what that was that you did at Serena's showcase? Mega evolution? I was wondering about that, since you didn't have a key stone or anything."

Ash shrugged. "I don't know. Professor Sycamore seemed to think it was mega evolution, but I'm not so sure. It seemed...different."

Korrina studied Ash for a moment. "How would you know? You've never mega evolved a Pokemon before, right?"

Ash shook his head. "No...but from what I've seen, it definitely didn't have the same kind of feel to it. It's hard to explain."

"Well, Ash, I think I might be able to help you with what you are here for." Ash looked up and smiled, seeing Gurkinn, Korrina's grandfather, walking down the spiralling stairs of the tower. "I've been expecting you."

Korrina looked shocked and a little angry. "What? How come you never told me grandfather?"

Gurkinn looked a little embarrassed. "I...had my reasons." He looked at Ash. "Now, Ash...before I tell you more, I'd like to see you battle. I saw you arrive with a Charizard and Pidgeot. And obviously you have Pikachu. Could you tell me who else you have brought?"

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