Chapter 5: Serena Wins Ash

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Ash didn't know what to think. He had somehow been caught up in a fight to have him perform in the Masterclass showcase. And...Serena wanted him to be her partner. She had seemed so mad at him not long ago, but now that anger seemed directed at Miette. They were now standing in the courtyard behind the Pokemon centre. It was a good flat surface, perfect for a battle. Serena stood to Ash's right, Miette to his left. Aria stood on the sidelines between the two, as she was going to referee. A large crowd had gathered. People seemed to think that since Aria had taken an interest in these two, they were worth watching.

Ash looked at Serena. She was glaring daggers at Miette, clutching her pokeball close to her heart. He'd never seen her look so determined, not even during her showcases. Well, he thought, I guess she does have a good rivalry with Miette.

Bonnie elbowed him. "Well Ash? You're cheering for Serena right?" She asked him.

Ash looked at her with a blank expression, still in shock at what was about to happen. "I-"

"Of course he is." Shauna approached them. "Ash, there's no way you want to perform with Miette right?" She leaned forward making clear eye contact. "Serena's who matters right?"

Ash continued his blank stare for another moment, but then steeled himself. He looked at Serena, with the look of determination on her face and then at Miette, with a smug smirk on her face. He nodded at Shauna and turned toward Serena. "Serena!" He yelled. "You can do this. Just stay calm, think on your feet and show her what you're made of."

Serena looked stunned. She stared at Ash, the determined look replaced by shock. Then she smiled and looked at Miette. "Ready, Miette?" She threw her pokeball and shouted, "Go Braixen!" The two legged fox like animal twirled its fire stick and bowed, getting a large cheer from the crowd.

Miette looked flustered after Ash's words. She then narrowed her eyes and threw out her pokeball, "Meowstick, come on out!" she shouted. Meowstick did a twirl in midair and also bowed to a great cheer from the crowd.

Ash looked at the two Pokemon. They glared at each other, neither of them moving. He got a feeling that this was more like a regular battle than a performance battle. He saw Braixen tightly holding her fire stick, clearly knowing her trainer desperately wanted this victory. Meowstick eyed the stick carefully, knowing the damage it could do. Aria shouted, "begin!"

"Braixen use fire blast!" Serena shouted. Braixen responded immediately, sending the attack at Meowstic quickly.

"Use psychic," Miette yelled, "and send it right back!" Meowstic's paws glowed and a blue light engulfed the flames speeding towards it. He moved his paws and they formed a gorgeous looking blue, flaming hear which he rocketed towards Braixen. "Remember, Serena," Miette taunted, "it's a performance battle."

"I know," Serena answered quickly. Ash was surprised to see a smile on her face, like she knew this was going to happen. "Braixen, hidden power!" Braixen immediately sent the blast towards the glowing, fiery heart and it exploded into a shower of beautiful blue stars.

"Wow!" Bonnie yelled. "Pretty!"

"Great job, Serena!" Clemont yelled.

Serena quickly looked at Ash and he nodded. He was impressed, he didn't need to say it. She smiled back at him and ordered her next attack. "Braixen flamethrower, towards the ground!" Braixen fired a flamethrower towards the ground and rocketed towards the sky.

Miette smirked. "Meowstic, use psychic on that flamethrower, and make it come alive!" Meowstic did as commanded and the flamethrower became something like a snake twisting and turning in the sky.

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