Chapter 66: A Fiery Rematch

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"We've got Torkoal for Malva and Pikachu for Ash," the announcer called out. "Remember folks, this is the Pikachu that defeated Malva before. Let's see what he can do here."

Ash smirked at those words. He knew exactly what Pikachu could do and he could see just how motivated his best friend was. This battle meant just as much to Pikachu as it did to Ash. It probably only meant more to Houndoom.

"Pikachu's weak," Malva taunted, her own smirk apparent on her face. "And I've removed the stain that was my weak Houndoom."

Ash ignored her and waited for the referee to signal the start of the match. There was a brief moment of hesitation, which Ash realized was because the referee was watching to see if any more insults, at least from Malva's end, were going to continue. Well, the Pokemon League was entertainment after all. And Malva's insults were probably entertaining to some. He finally made the call, though, and the match began.

Ash didn't waste any time. "Pikachu, let's do this. Quick Attack!" The electric mouse shot off like a bullet, kicking up the grass and spraying up dirt from where he'd started. Malva and Torkoal didn't have any time to react, as Pikachu, a white glow around his body, zigzagged through the field, and then slammed his body into Torkoal with full force, before leaping back in preparation for another order from Ash.

Torkoal shook its head, clearly a little winded from the attack, but otherwise seemed to be fine. Malva didn't look too worried about the attack either. Obviously it was just a test to her. Now, it was time for her counter. "Torkoal, use Flame Wheel," she ordered calmly.

Ash wasn't letting Pikachu get hit as easy as that, though. "Pikachu, get ready!" he shouted, not wanting the attack just yet. Pikachu tensed up and lowered his body to the ground, watching Torkoal carefully, as the fire-tortoise withdrew into its shell and started rapidly spinning. First came the smoke, billowing out of the holes. Next, the flames started whipping out, eventually fully engulfing the shell. It flipped on its side and then rapidly started approaching Pikachu. Ash waited for his moment, though. He let Torkoal get halfway to Pikachu and then made his order. "Iron Tail, now!"

"That won't work," Malva called out, sounding amused, although not in a kind way, naturally.

"We'll see," Ash answered back, watching as Pikachu leaped into the air, his tail straightening out behind him. The electric mouse then flipped forward, his tail shining in a silvery light. Just before Torkoal arrived, Pikachu slammed his tail into the ground with all the strength he could muster. With a loud cracking sound, the ground ripped open and a large crack appeared, just in time for Torkoal to run over it, get caught, and get launched into the air from the jarring stop. "Quick, Thunderbolt!" Ash ordered, wanting to ensure they used this opportunity.

"Right yourself and use Lava Plume!" Malva countered, a bit of irritation in her call.

Ash could see right away that there attack wasn't going to work. Or at least, if it did, Pikachu would be hurt. Torkoal emerged from its shell, still in midair, and immediately started shooting out thick, gooey blobs of molten rock from the holes in his shell. They started raining down all over the field, splashing down on the grass and immediately burning parts of the field to ashes. It was kind of like Draco Meteor.

Time to give Malva a surprise, Ash thought. "Pikachu, defend yourself with Counter Shield!" Pikachu didn't stop his Thunderbolt attack, but instead fired it off differently. He hadn't lost the skill at all since Sinnoh. Ash even thought it was a little better, but perhaps it was because the Thunderbolt was that much stronger these days. Pikachu started rapidly spinning around on his back, while his electricity was sent into the air. And, just as the name of the defensive technique implied it would, it formed a shield around the electric mouse, as the electricity was fired off in a circle around him. There were loud buzzes as the pieces of molten rock struck the shield and bounced off, but none of them were able to get through. Torkoal finally landed, and the attack ended.

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