Chapter 24: The More The Merrier

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As they walked through the forest, Ash and Serena lagged behind the rest of the group to keep close to Houndoom who walked slowly, his head down. Clemont was a little in front, seemingly surprised he wasn't the slowest of the group, and he was talking with Alain, who seemed quite interested in the Aipom arm. Bonnie and Mairin were in the lead, apparently quickly becoming friends and animatedly discussing their aspirations to become strong trainers, pointing out Ash and Alain as their idols. Ash's Charizard flew up above, while Infernape stayed fairly close to Ash and Serena.

Ash looked back at Houndoom. He couldn't believe that Malva could abandon a Pokemon like that. He knew that mega evolution required a strong bond, so seeing a bond like that shatter, was pretty heartbreaking to see. He couldn't even imagine life without Pikachu. The thought of that made him feel empty inside.

Ash felt Serena squeeze his hand and looked to see her watching him in concern. "What are you thinking about?" She asked quietly.

Ash looked up at Pikachu on his shoulder and then back at Serena. "I just can't believe a bond that was strong enough for mega evolution could be broken like that." He said, hearing his voice shake with emotion.

Serena nodded. "You know you and Pikachu, you and all your Pokemon, are different than that, right?"

She had seemed to read his mind. He couldn't help but be a little impressed. He looked back at Houndoom. "But, they probably never thought their relationship would change..." He couldn't finish.

Serena squeezed his hand again. "Don't think like that. You're different from Malva. You'd never join an organization like Team Flare, would you?"

Ash sighed. "Alain joined them without knowing what they were." He said, gesturing to the trainer in front of them.

Serena shook her head. "That's different. He helped them, not knowing who they were and what they were really doing. But, when he figured it out, he helped us over them. Malva chose to join them. She knew about everything they did. She let them change her into someone who didn't care about Pokemon. You will always care about Pokemon. Look, you were fighting with Houndoom only a little while ago, now you want to do everything you can to help him. Already you've shown yourself to be different than Malva."

Ash soaked in everything Serena said. He thought carefully about it. She was right, he would never join an organization like Team Flare, and like Alain, he would immediately stop if he found himself with people who hurt Pokemon. He smiled at Serena. "You're the best."

Serena blushed. "I just want you to remember how good a person you are."

"Pikachu." Pikachu said happily. He playfully pawed at Ash's face.

Serena smiled. She looked around as they continued to walk and then she had a look of realization on her face and pulled out her Pokedex. "I haven't scanned Infernape and Houndoom yet." She said.

First, she pointed her Pokedex at Houndoom. "Houndoom, the dark Pokemon and the evolved form of Houndour. Houndoom's eerie howl is said to cause those who hear it to shudder in fear." She felt bad hearing that, as she looked back and saw Houndoom looking so timid. Then, she pointed her Pokedex at Infernape, and an image of him appeared on the screen. "Infernape, the fire-monkey Pokemon. The evolved form of Monferno and the final evolved form of Chimchar. Its crown of fire is indicative of its fiery nature. It is beaten by few in terms of quickness."

"Infernape!" Infernape said proudly, smiling at what the Pokedex had to say about him.

Ash laughed. "Yeah that sounds about right. Infernape definitely has a fiery nature. He was the main reason I got into the final four in the Sinnoh League."

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