Chapter 11: A Dream to Come Back

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Bonnie was sitting in a chair by the window. She felt an emptiness she had never felt before as she stared out at Ash's Pokemon outside. Pidgeot, Noivern and Talonflame were sulking in a tree, while Greninja and Hawlucha sat by the beach. Bonnie looked over at the hospital bed. Ash, usually so full of life and energy, was now pale and almost completely still. Pikachu stood next to Ash's head on one side, while Serena watched him from the other.

The door to the room opened and Clemont walked in. "Any news?" He asked quietly.

Serena ignored him, so Bonnie shook her head when her brother looked at her. "The doctor just said we needed to wait."

"Hello everyone." Clemont spun around and jumped. Bonnie looked up to see Professor Sycamore.

"Hi Professor." She said quietly.

Professor Sycamore walked over to Ash's bed and looked at him with a concerned expression. His eyes went to Serena. "He'll be fine. Don't worry."

Serena looked up at him. Bonnie could see her eyes were red from crying. Serena turned back to Ash and continued to ignore. Bonnie got up from her seat and walked over to Professor Sycamore. "Why do you think he's going to be ok?" She asked.

Sycamore was silent for a moment and then said, "This is something new, but it is something that I hypothesized while doing my mega evolution research."

Clemont looked confused. "What does this have to do with mega evolution?"

Sycamore looked at Ash. "I've heard about Ash's Greninja's special form. When watching that battle earlier, I could see clearly that it was a form of mega evolution."

Bonnie shook her head. "But Ash and Greninja don't have mega evolution stones." She pointed out.

Sycamore nodded. "You're right, Bonnie, but that is where I think I've found something." He pulled out his own mega evolution stone for Garchomp. "The bond needed for mega evolution must be strong. The trainer and Pokemon must be extremely close and respect one another." He looked at the others as they listened. "When I asked Ash about helping me with something, I was going to have him mega evolve Greninja with a Greninjanite that I have come across."

Clemont's eyes widened. "You were going to mega evolve Greninja?" He asked.

Sycamore nodded. "I still plan on doing the experiment once Ash is better and if he is willing, but in my opinion, the experiment will yield different results from other mega evolutions."

Bonnie looked at Ash. Serena was using a handkerchief to wipe his forehead. Bonnie noticed it was the same handkerchief Serena had given back to Ash on the first day she started travelling with them. She looked back at Sycamore. "Why would it be different?" She asked.

Sycamore smiled. "I'll explain. What mega evolution stones do, is they amplify the bond between trainer and Pokemon, pulling the love and power out of each and unleashing it throughout the Pokemon. I believe that Ash and Greninja's bond is so powerful that Greninja's mega evolution is a much purer form. That is why he takes on a similar appearance to Ash."

Bonnie's eyes widened. "Is that why Ash gets hurt if Greninja does?"

Sycamore nodded. "Exactly, Bonnie. In a way, they become one being. However..." He looked at Ash. "Pokemon are able to take a great deal more damage than a human. So as evidenced here, it is extremely dangerous."

Clemont spoke up. "Has this happened before?" He asked.

Sycamore took a while to answer. "Not exactly." He finally said. "However, something similar has. There are some documented cases of mega evolutions with extremely powerful bonds, where the trainer has felt some pain from the battles. Although, these were with mega evolution stones. With Ash and Greninja, the bond is much purer, so the damage is much more real." He stopped and looked at Serena with concern. Then he looked back at Clemont and Bonnie. "Greninja is ok, because his body was able to take the damage, but also because Ash took some of the damage for him. His burn wounds were also much easier to treat for Nurse Joy, because it is a common injury for Pokemon and the remedies are easily available. For Ash, it is more complicated."

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