Chapter 81: A Worthy Challenger?

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Ash's heart raced at a pace that probably wasn't very healthy, but he didn't really care at the moment. He could barely believe he was actually about to have a full, real battle with a Champion. He was even a little surprised at how confident he was. Sure, when he'd challenged Diantha early in his Kalos journey, he'd had his usual confidence, but deep down he'd known that the odds were against him. Now, he truly felt confident. He was at a level where he could win against the best. Right now, Diantha wasthe best, and Ash wanted to change that today.

The first step, would be winning the first battle of the match, and Ash had full confidence in Infernape. He could see the fiery ape bracing himself, ready to charge at Tyrantrum as soon as the signal came. He hadn't battled since the Team Flare attack on Lumiose City, so he was more than ready to go. This was part of the reason why Ash had chosen Infernape first. He needed a hungry fighter, and Infernape was just that. In a way, so was Snorlax, but that was a different matter.

Ash looked across the field towards Diantha, who stared back, excitement in her eyes. She really did think he'd be a challenge, and he couldn't be more honoured by it. He'd come so far since his first day as a trainer and struggling with a disobedient Pikachu, who was now next to him as his most loyal Pokemon. Nothing was going to stop him now. He was going to win.

The crowd went completely silent as the referee at the side of the field raised his arm, flag held high. It was almost as if nobody was breathing. Ash's eyes immediately went to Infernape, who's head was ever so slightly turned. The flaming ape Pokemon was looking confidently at Ash out of the corner of his eye, assuring his trainer he was completely ready for the toughest challenge of his life. The referee's voice then broke through Ash's thoughts. "Let the battle...BEGIN!"

There was no hesitating if Ash was going to have any chance to land the first attack. "Infernape, use Mach Punch! Let's go!" The order was swift, and Ash narrowed his eyes as he watched, not willing to celebrate until the attack had landed.

What worried Ash first, as Infernape bolted towards Tyrantrum, was that neither the dinosaur Pokemon, nor its trainer, were making a move to stop the incoming attack. Ash just decided to grit his teeth and ignore it, though. If they were testing Infernape, they were making a mistake, because his strength would overwhelm them. The fire-monkey ran through half the field, and then pulled his fist back, continuing his charge at double the speed. His fist then glowed bright white, and he leaped forward, thrusting out his fist and slamming it into Tyrantum's chest. The dinosaur Pokemon snarled and narrowed its eyes, but it only staggered back a step, apparently minimally damaged by the attack.

Now it was Diantha's turn to make a move, with Infernape jumping back in surprise from his shockingly ineffective attack. "Dragon Claw," she calmly ordered, not moving a muscle as her order left her lips.

Tyrantrum roared loudly, pulled back its claw, and then ran forward a step, swinging it forward. The glowing green claw whipped out like a bolt of green lightning and struck Infernape right across the chest. The fire-monkey screeched in pain and then was launched across the field, skidding painfully across the dirt, rolling over a few times, before managing the jump back to his feet. He was panting from the attack, but he looked back at Ash and nodded confidently, signalling to his trainer that it would take a lot more than that to take him down.

Ash didn't exactly like the start, but at least he'd gotten an early sense of Diantha's power and also how much was going to be needed for his own Pokemon to win these fights. It was already looking a lot tougher than he'd even thought before. That didn't faze Ash, though. No, it only got him even more fired up. "Alright Infernape, let's keep it up. Use Dig and get underground!"

"Fernape!" Infernape yelled shooting his arms towards the ground and quickly burrowing under. Ash doubted Diantha would have been able to keep up with Infernape even if she'd tried, which again, she didn't. That didn't matter to Ash, though. The direct attack didn't work before, so it was time to be a bit sneakier. There was no way Diantha could get Infernape now.

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