Chapter 70: Ash-Greninja vs Mega Sceptile

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Serena gave Ash a big hug when he reached the group waiting for him. As difficult as the battle had been thus far, he was still performing like a top quality trainer and she couldn't be happier. She also gave Pikachu a congratulatory pat on the head, quite impressed with his performance as well.

"Sawyer's really come a long way," Ash acknowledged, taking a deep breath and looking towards the battlefield, where the grass field was lowering. "He's drawn me into a few of his traps."

"You've come a long way as well, Ash," Clemont pointed out. "Look at Goodra. He was just a little Goomy when you met him, but now he's capable of defeating a powerful Slaking."

"Yeah," Serena said, nodding in agreement. "And seeing Noivern go head to head with a Salamence, win or lose, that's pretty amazing since he was just a baby Noibat not even that long ago."

"And Pikachu," May added, "is way stronger. It didn't matter how many times Sawyer used King's Shield." She leaned forward, an interested look in her eyes. "Wasn't that electric circle the move Pikachu used in that contest back in Kanto?"

"Yeah," Ash answered, nodding. "I don't know why it came to me, but it seemed like a good idea so I went with it."

"Worked pretty well," Gary pointed out.

They talked a few more minutes and then Serena noticed the next field was coming up. It looked like they were going to be battling it out on the rock field. The announcer called for everyone to return to their seats and Ash gave his friends a quick wave, winked at Serena, and then set off back to his platform.

Another couple of minutes later, and Serena was in her seat. She saw the referee settle in his spot on the sidelines and both Ash and Sawyer pull out their next pokeballs. The final stretch was about to begin.

"Welcome back to the second half of the quarterfinal matchup between Ash and Sawyer," the announcer greeted. "Now, as the score stands, Ash still has four Pokemon, while Sawyer is down to his last three. Let's see if the young trainer from Hoenn can get this battle tied up."

The crowd cheered and then waited in silent anticipation for the two trainers to call out their Pokemon. Two flashes of light later, and the choices were visible. Sawyer once again had Salamence out, and Ash had selected Talonflame. Serena wasn't sure what to think, but knew she needed to have faith in Ash's choice. He knew what he was doing.

The referee made the call and the battle was all set to resume. Without any orders, both Talonflame and Salamence whipped into the air, obviously intent on showing one another who was the better aerial fighter. Both Ash and Sawyer seemed perfectly willing to go with it, too.

"Start things off with Steel Wing!" Ash yelled quickly.

"Dragon Claw!" came Sawyer's counter order.

Talonflame flapped his wings hard, and then launched forward, his wings quickly shining with a silvery gleam. Salamence moved at the same time, green, glowing claws extending out in front of him. They clashed together in an instant, bringing their attacks forward with full power. Once the first Steel Wing hit the first Dragon Claw, there was a shower of sparks that shot into the faces of the clashing Pokemon. Neither cared, though, and they only decided to bring forward their second strikes. With another shower of sparks and neither Pokemon proving stronger, they flew apart, before turning and glaring at one another, ready to continue on their trainers' orders.

Ash was quick to move. "Talonflame, speed things up with Flame Charge!"

"Hit back with Dragon Rush!" Sawyer ordered.

Before charging forward, both Pokemon prepared their attacks, bracing themselves. Salamence enveloped himself in a blue light, roared and then launched forward. Meanwhile, Talonflame engulfed himself in flames, spun around once to build up some speed, and then whipped ahead, ready to fight. The dragon and bird collided in an instant, the light around Salamence and the flames around Talonflame, immediately disappearing. Then, Talonflame screeched in pain, and staggered back, winded by the collision.

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