Chapter 39: A Request For Greninja

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After much pleading from Bonnie, Ash finally agreed to go back to the gym with her to say hi to Clemont and Mairin. He made her first promise that she wouldn't tell Serena about anything and then he assured her Clemont and Mairin would have to make the promise as well.

"Yeah yeah." Bonnie muttered. "They will, don't worry." She ran ahead towards Prism Tower, with Dawn and Ash close behind her. They reached the doors in a few minutes and Bonnie hurriedly opened them. When they were all inside, Bonnie immediately announced their arrival. "Clemont! Mairin! I've got a surprise!" She lead Ash and Dawn down the hallway and they entered the battlefield.

Mairin was in there, practising with Chespie and Bebe. She looked up from the mock battle her two Pokemon were having and at first only saw Bonnie. "Oh hey Bonnie I-" She then saw Ash and Dawn enter behind her and Mairin's eyes widened. "Ash!" She yelled excitedly.

Ash smiled. "Hey Mairin. Training hard?"

Mairin nodded and came up to stand in front of them. "What are you doing here?" She looked at Dawn. "Oh hi, I'm Mairin."

"I'm Dawn." Dawn said happily. "I travelled with Ash in Sinnoh. We ran into each other near Anistar City."

Ash answered Mairin's question. "I needed to check up on something here. I was worried about something."

A door then opened at the other end of the battlefield and Ash noticed Clemont tiredly stumbling out. "Bonnie...did I hear you yelling? How many..." He looked at the group across from him and his eyes widened. "Ash?"

"Hey Clemont." Ash greeted. "How's the gym going?"

Clemont came over and once again Dawn was introduced. Ash then explained what they were doing in Lumiose City, to which Mairin and Clemont immediately started exclaiming in worry, thinking they were going to need to go right away and save Serena.

"No it's alright." Ash said. "I checked on her." He looked at Bonnie. "We just came here before leaving. Bonnie wanted to bring us over." He then looked at Dawn. "And I think Dawn would like to see the top of Prism Tower."

Clemont nodded. "Well it's definitely good to see you again, Ash. I'm glad you're alright. I was a little worried when I heard about the whole Team Flare thing in Anistar City."

Ash waved his hand to dismiss that. "Nothing to worry about. Those two are in jail and we'll get that Sundial back eventually."

Clemont sighed. "Well...I suppose you're right." He didn't exactly sound like he believed that. "Um...did you hear about Malva?"

Ash nodded. "Oh yeah...I'll tell you about that. How about we catch up on our way to the top of the tower?"

Clemont agreed and then lead them to an elevator which would take them to the top. On the way up, Ash explained the story with Malva, and then Bonnie broke in to explain that it sounded like the woman who had challenged the gym. Ash then explained what had happened in Anistar City and how he was now on his way to Shalour City. They had just finished talking, when the doors opened and they were able to step out onto the observation deck of Prism Tower.

"So where is it that Ash jumped from?" Dawn asked.

Bonnie rolled her eyes. "I'll show you. There's still some damage from where Garchomp attacked. Bonnie then lead Dawn around to the other side of the deck, followed by Mairin, leaving Ash and Clemont alone.

"'re not staying?" Clemont asked.

Ash shook his head. "I can't. You know I want to...but it's not fair to Serena." He shrugged. "I don't know...there's something else too. From what Olympia said, it seems like it's pretty important for me to get to Shalour City. Maybe it will be something that can help me get Greninja back." He thought about that for a moment. Maybe it was about that. His eyes then widened. Greninja was probably really close. If he...

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