Chapter 25: Teaching a Rival a Lesson

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Ash and his friends were now on the road again. They'd left the next morning after the events in Geosenge Town. Officer Jenny had warned them about Lysandre and Alain had stayed behind to discuss the matter further with her. He planned on listening in on an interview with Malva. Mairin had been sad to leave him again, but after a few days, she'd adjusted to being with her new group of friends. Chespie and Clemont's Chespin had gotten along well and teamed up a few times to steal Serena's pokepuffs.

The group had been travelling for a couple of weeks now. Ash's Pokemon were now fully recovered after their battles against Team Flare and they'd been doing some intensive training. Houndoom was looking, by far, to be the strongest, which clearly frustrated Greninja, who'd become used to being Ash's go to Pokemon. Greninja had actually been looking down ever since the events in Geosenge Town. He clearly was unhappy with his loss to Alain's Charizard, and now being outshined by Houndoom in training sessions, he was becoming increasingly frustrated.

Currently, the group were stopped by a river, which the group was following to Vaniville Town. Ash had gladly agreed to stop there for Serena to see her mom, before finally reaching Snowbelle City. He'd noticed she seemed a little nervous about getting to Snowbelle City. He remembered that the woman, Palermo, had asked to meet her there. He supposed Serena was nervous about what the older woman was going to ask of her.

Ash was animatedly discussing his upcoming battle at the Snowbelle Gym, when all of a sudden, a voice called out in happy surprise from the trees behind them. "Ash!" Ash turned around, and he smiled, seeing his short, green haired friend, Sawyer. "I didn't expect to see you guys here." Sawyer said, glancing around at everyone. He looked at Mairin in surprise. "Hi, I'm Sawyer." He said.

Mairin smiled. "I'm Mairin." She said. "I've only been travelling with these guys for a bit." She looked at Ash. "How do you know Sawyer."

"Sawyer and I became friends in Laverre City. We've battled a few times. He's been collecting badges too." Ash answered.

Sawyer nodded. "Yeah and guess what? I've got all eight. I beat the Snowbelle Gym. I guess we're both on our way to the Kalos League now."

Serena interrupted as Ash looked down, appearing a little embarrassed. "Well, Sawyer, Ash put off his gym battle so we could go to my Masterclass showcase. He's been really patient, but he still doesn't have the eighth badge yet."

"Oh." Sawyer said, looking surprised. Then he smiled. "Well that was nice of you Ash." He said. All of a sudden his eyes widened. "Ash!" He yelled suddenly.

Ash looked surprised. "Uh...what?" He asked, unsure of what the sudden shock and surprise from Sawyer was all about.

Sawyer ran forward, holding out his notebook to Ash. "I need you to sign this!" He yelled. "It's true you beat Malva, right?" He asked, admiration in his eyes.

Ash sighed. "Well...sort of. I mean, she'd already been weakened." He looked over at Houndoom, who was watching the scene, now having finished his food.

Sawyer followed his gaze and his eyes somehow widened further. "Wow!" He yelled, really loudly so that everyone covered their ears, wincing. He ran over to Houndoom. "It's true! I heard that Malva left Houndoom and that you took him with you! Wow, your so strong now!" He said excitedly. He held out his notebook to Houndoom. "Houndoom, could you put your paw print on that empty spot right there?" Sawyer pleaded.

Houndoom looked confused, but he obliged. He pushed his paw into some dirt and then pawed the page, leaving his paw print. Ash gave him a smile when he looked over.

Sawyer's eyes were shining. He then ran back over to Ash and handed him a pen. "Please sign next to Houndoom's print!" He pleaded. Ash did as asked and then Sawyer knelt down next to Pikachu who was eating on the ground, next to Ash's seat. "And Pikachu, you too, please?" He asked. Pikachu obliged as well, dipping his hand in ketchup to leave a print. Sawyer lifted up his notebook, staring at it in amazement. "Wow!" He said, looking like he'd just won the lottery. "Thank you so much!"

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