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Just a few announcements: (HEY HEY, DONT SCROLL PAST ME)

1. I rated this book 'Mature' for reasons that you will find out in the future.

2. This book will be a lot longer than the first. I might even go to 200 chapters!

3. Suit up for more drama, more smut, more fluff, and more SCOMICHE.

That leads me to my question.

Do y'all want this book to be basically all Scomiche and some insight if the others?


A fair amount of everyone?


Do you want the book to just follow around everyone in Pentatonix.

I created this book with the intention of it just being Pentatonix and Scomiche but I want y'all's insight on it. 

Okay okay, I'm done rambling.

I love y'all and hope you enjoy, the very first, chappy!!!


Scott shook his head. "No, I'm not watching that again".

Mitch pouted. "Please Alpha".

"We watched the same SpongeBob movie like...... Fifty thousand times. No".

"B-but it's my favorite movie". Mitch said, still pouting.

Scott looked down at Mitch, they were cuddling on their bed. Mitch tucked under Scott's arm. Mitch convinced Scott to get a TV in their bedroom and after some argument, Scott got one.

Scott sighed, knowing he was giving in. Mitch flashed Scott a pretty smile and begging eyes. Scott rolled his eyes but smiled back non the less.

"Fine". He grumbled.

Mitch jumped off the bed in excitement and clapped his hands. He grabbed the movie and slipped it in the DVD player.

He then crawled back into bed with Scott and snuggled back into his side.

Kevin pecked Kirstie on the lips and smiled. "Your so beautiful". He said.

Kirstie blushed and looked down, she covered her face with her hands.

Avi stormed into the kitchen. "Yeah, yeah. Hurry up and make dinner y'all. Sarah is coming over and I need her to be impressed".

Kirstie cleared her throat and smirked. "Did you ever tell Alpha Scott she's coming over"?

His eyes widened. "U-um......."

She rolled her eyes and went back to cutting chicken. "That's what I thought".

Avi rushed up the stairs to Scott and Mitch's room.

Joey and Troye laughed at him as he raced through the living room. "What's up with him"? Troye asked.

Joey looked down and raised an eyebrow. "Want to try that one again"?

Troye nodded. "Sorry sir. What's up with him, sir"?

Joey smiled. "Good boy. He has a girl coming over and he wants to impress her".

Troye nodded. "Oh".

Over the past two months, Joey has become harder on Troye, wanting him to learn proper Omegs Manners.

Troye didn't exactly like the new change but he didn't want to bring it up, not wanting to start an argument.

Manny walked in the house then, sweaty. He runs every morning now, caring for his health.

He walked straight through the living room and to his bedroom.

Tyler was sitting on the bed, reading a book, when Manny walked in.

Tyler looked at him and smiled. "Alpha". He said, jumping off the bed.

He was about to hug him when he noticed how sweaty Manny was. He pulled back and made a face. "Ew".

Manny laughed. "Well okay then. I was just about to take a shower anyway". He said walking towards the bathroom.

He turned around last second and stuck his tongue out at his Omega. Tyler giggled but stuck his tongue out back at him.

Manny laughed and walked into the bathroom, closing the door.

A lot has changed in two months.

Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now