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Kendall's daily advice: frozen grapes are the shit.

If you have any 'daily advice' leave it here>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


"Hey, Sc-Alpha". Mitch said as he walked out of the elevator and to Scott's desk.

Scott looked up from his computer. "We're in private Mitch, you can call me whatever you want".

Mitch smiled shyly and sat down across from Scott. "Okay, sorry".

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault".

Mitch nodded and handed Scott a few papers.

Scott furrowed his eyebrows. "What are these"? He asked.

Mitch smiled. "The counsel said they found them in their old files and they gave them to me".

Scott nodded and looked down at the papers. One was labeled with his name and one with Mitch's.

"Okay". Scott said. "What are they".

Mitch's smile grew. "Well I was looking at them and noticed something weird. To my knowledge I was born on July 24, 1998 but.... I wasn't. I was really born on July 24, 1992".

Scott looked up, shocked. "What?! So.... Your really 24 years old. You are older than me".

Mitch shook his head. "Nope". Mitch reached over and pointed to a spot on Scott's paper.

Scott eyes widened. He thought he had been born on September 17, 1996 but he was really born September 17, 1991.

Scott looked to Mitch. "I'm 25".

Mitch giggled. "You're old".

Scott rolled his eyes but smiled anyway. "I'm not old, I'm..... Wise". Scott said while raising an eyebrow.

"Oh. Yeah. Sure. Whatever helps you sleep at night, baby". Mitch said 'baby' while patting Scott's shoulder.

Mitch stood and sauntered around the desk to sit on Scott's lap. "So.... I was thinking-"

"Oh no". Scott said, interrupting. 

"Shut up. So, I was thinking. Since we're older maybe...... Just maybe.... We could try for another baby"? Mitch said, voice full of hope.

Scott sighed and set the papers down, then setting his hand on Mitch's thigh. "I don't think I'm ready for that baby". He explained.

"What.... Do you mean. Do you not want children".

"No, no. I'm just not ready yet".

Mitch nodded sadly and stood from Scott's lap and took the elevator to his floor, deciding he'd have a conversation with Scott about it at home.

Little did he know it was going to lead to the worst fight they'd ever have.

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