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Kendall's daily advice: Christmas lights in fall are expectable.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


It was the day Kingsley was moving in.

Scott was getting ready to drive to pick him up while Mitch and Kirstie and Kevin were making lunch in the kitchen.

Kevin was wiping down the counter he was about to use so it would be clean before using it.

Scott came into the kitchen and grabbed the keys off the table. "Hey, Kev. I'm gonna go, make sure lunch is ready when I get back".

Kevin looked up and smiled. "Of course, Alpha. What time do you think you'll be home".

Scott looked at the watch on his arm and shrugged. "About an hour and thirty minutes".

Kevin nodded. "Okay, thank you, Sir".

Scott turned to walk away when Mitch shouted, "Alpha"!

Scott turned around quickly and raised an eyebrow. "Yes, Angel"?

"Can I come with you"?

Scott smiled. "I would love to spend more time with you but Kingsley's Alpha is going to be there and I don't want you getting hurt".

Mitch nodded and looked down. "Okay". He said quietly.

Scott pouted and walked up to him, lifting his chin to make Mitch look at him. "Hey, you know I love you and that I wish you could come but I don't want you getting hurt. Do you understand"?

Mitch nodded. "Yes, I love you too".

Scott smiled and pecked Mitch's lips before turned and walking out of the door.

Mitch started making lunch, a sad look playing on his features.

Kirstie noticed and frowned. "What's wrong, Mitchie"? She asked.

Mitch looked at her with big, sad eyes. "Scottie doesn't want me". He whispered out.

Kirstie looked at Kevin, confused.

Mitch never acted like this.

"Um....." Kevin said. "Can I talk to you, Mitchie"?

Mitch nodded and followed Kevin out of the kitchen and down the hall to Kevin's bedroom.

Kevin sat down on the edge of the bed, Mitch sitting beside him.

"Are you okay"? Kevin asked after awhile.

Mitch shrugged and looked down.

Kevin rubbed Mitch's back. "Please talk to me". He pleaded.

Mitch looked up with glossy eyes. "I want babies, Kev".

Kevin 'aw'ed and pulled Mitch into a hug.

Mitch whimpered. "I-I wa-want b-babies".

Kevin hugged Mitch tighter. "I know Mitchie, I know".

Mitch sobbed into Kevin's shoulder.

Kevin continuing to comfort Mitch and run a hand up and down his back.

After Mitch had calmed down, Kevin made him some tea and brought Mitch up to his own room.

Mitch laid out on his bed, covered in blankets.

There were a few boxes with stuff in them since Mitch and Scott moved their room upstairs so that Kingsley could have their bedroom downstairs.

Mitch finished his tea and got out of bed, taking a shower.

Mitch wanted kids.

And he didn't want to force Scott into anything but.... He's an Omega.

Omegas give birth to more children, that's how it goes.

And if Mitch could have children, then why not do it.

Mitch understands that Scott is scared, he really does, and Mitch is scared too but having that baby made Mitch so happy.

And if Mitch knew that he was going to loose her, he would've held on to her and never let go of her.

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