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I've decided to end the book here. I hoped to finish it at 200 chapters but I'm just not feeling it anymore.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


Scott POV

He grew to be so beautiful, truly kindhearted.

He filled the hole in my heart I didn't know was there and I couldn't have asked for anyone better.

I was, am, so happy, so content.

Two years later we got married. Best decision of my life.

Three years later, me and Mitch tried again to get pregnant and he ended up having three more children. Linsley, Hunter, and Elizabeth.

Just when I thought things couldn't get any better. Our first baby girl showed up at our doorstep sixteen years later.

She was gorgeous, blonde hair, green eyes, and short but a cute kind of short.

She acted and talked just like her mother, Mitch was so happy to see her.

It, of course, was a hard thing to explain that we had stopped trying o get her out of foster care.

She was so excepting though, she understood. Me and Mitch were so young. Too young.

I love her though. We told her what her name was, she loved it. She said that everyone just called her Sassy.

Mitch laughed at that and said. "Well I wonder where she got that from"?

Mitch and Jasmine got really close.

Me and Hunter were also close as well. Seeing as I was teaching him how to be an alpha at the time.

Elizabeth was a Beta and Linsley and Omega.

I had the perfect family.

That was, until Mitch became sick, 34 years later.

He lived till 67. Still so young. He don't deserve it but he said it was his time and that he needed to go.

All I could do at the time was nod my head and hold his hand and kiss him and tell him it was all going to be okay.

Jasmine took it pretty hard. She was way older now but her and Mitch still talked everyday, they knew everything about each other.

Jasmine almost knew as much about Mitch as I did. Almost.

I knew Mitch like the back of my hand. Every mood, look, step, cough, breath, laugh, giggle, smile. Those are just the little things though.

I memorized his beautiful Omega eyes and what look they had behind them every time they'd come out.

I memorized his lips and the way they would move against mine. Whether it was passionate or gentle.

I memorized his real laugh and his fake one.

I memorized his face features. I would always be able to tell what he was thinking or what he was feeling.

Alpha, Beta, Omega 2Where stories live. Discover now