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Kendall's daily advice: know when to get a new phone.

Explanation- I dropped my phone yesterday night and it cracked more then this morning at Starbucks, i dropped it again and half the screen turned white. Mind you, I still have an iPhone 4. But my friend came in to save the day. She's do for an upgrade the first of November and so she's giving me her iPhone 5s. Thank god. I just don't have the money for a new phone right now. Whoops.

Okay, okay. I'm chatting your ear off.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!


Joey was escorted from their house and put into jail for sneaking into the counsel.

They had no idea how he got in but they weren't gonna risk putting him back out on the streets in the normal world just to break back in.

Manny and Tyler moved out a week later, leaving two empty bedrooms.

One was Manny and Tyler's.

And the other was Jasmines, just in case.

They had an off day today, Mitch was talking with Troye on the couch, Troye being sad about Tyler leaving.

Kingsley was getting to know Alex, Kingsley warming up to Alex, quickly.

Scott wondered into the livingroom, hair wet from taking a shower.

He smiled at the two Omegas chatting on the couch.

Scott then walked into the kitchen, stopping when he saw Kirstie and Kevin making out.

"Um...." He said awkwardly.

The two jumped apart and stared at Scott with wide eyes.

Scott pointed to the door. "Ima just go then...."

Scott was turning around when Kirstie stopped him.

"Oh no, did you need something".

Scott turned back around. "I just wanted the animal crackers".

Kevin reached up and opened the top cabinet, pulling out the animal crackers and handing them to Scott.

Scott smiled and walked out of the kitchen.

Scott sat down next to Mitch with a smiled, Mitch pulled his eyes away from Troye to smile back at Scott then he went back to his conversation.

"Do you miss him"? Mitch asked.

Troye nodded. "Yeah, Tyler and I got really close. All we would do was sit in my room and talk. I miss him".

Mitch frowned. "Don't be too sad. Manny is still working at the counsel and they still live here. Maybe you'll see him around".

"I hope so. He really was my anchor, keeping me steady". 

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