34 XXX

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Kendall's daily advice: when you make pizza, you don't have to wait for the oven to preheat all the way, you can just stick the pizza in. You're welcome.


I didn't post a chapter yesterday because, well...... I was working on this chapter. Y'all know when I post smut, it has to be perfect.

P.S.- in this book, it's still Scott's birthday. Just wanted you to know, so you don't get confused.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!


After everyone had gone to bed, Scott and Mitch walked into their bedroom, shutting the door behind themselves.

Scott attacked Mitch's neck, Mitch's fingers intertwining with Scott's hair.

"Mm, baby". Mitch breathed out.

Scott sucked on Mitch's neck, leaving a hickey. Scott pulled away and admired the dark spot on Mitch's neck before kissing it.

Scott's lips met Mitch's in a sweet kiss. "You're beautiful, you know that".

Mitch smiled. "I do now".

Scott chuckled and pulled Mitch in for another kiss.

The kiss quickly got more heated, Scott grabbed Mitch's butt, making Mitch gasp so Scott could slip his tongue into Mitch's mouth.

Their tongues fought for dominance, Scott winning.

Mitch broke the kiss to slip his shirt over his head. He then reached for Scott's shirt to start unbuttoning it.

Scott bit his lip and watched the young boy mess with the buttons before slipping his shirt off of Scott's shoulders.

Scott slammed Mitch into the wall by their bed, planting kisses all over Mitch's chest.

Scott ran his tongue over Mitch's nipple, causing the boy to shudder in pleasure.

"Mm. Bed". Was all Mitch could get out while Scott was sucking on his nipple.

Scott pulled away and squeezed Mitch's thighs, Mitch got the memo and jumped into Scott's hips. 

Scott walked over to the bed and laid Mitch down, carefully.

Scott kissed Mitch's shoulder before showing attention to his lips again.

Scott placed his legs on either side of Mitch's hips, so that he was straddling Mitch, he then started to grind down on Mitch's hard on.

Mitch let out a long moan, sending shivers up Scott's back.

Mitch broke the kiss, as his head flew back in pleasure. "God damn". He breathed out.

Scott bit his lip and started to suck on Mitch's neck again. Scott stopped grinding and started to unbutton Mitch's pants.

Scott crawled off of Mitch and kneeled down in front of the bed as he pealed Mitch's jeans and underwear off at the same time.

Scott threw Mitch's clothes somewhere in the room, then stood up to take his pants and underwear off as well, leaving both boys naked.

Mitch crawled back to the head board and laid down so that the top of his head was up against the headboard.

Scott crawled back onto the bed and sat himself between Mitch's legs, lowering his head so that he was face to face with Mitch's cock.

Scott took Mitch full.

Mitch gasped and threw one hand down into Scott's hair, tugging on his hair slightly, and the other hand flew up to the headboard to grip into it.

"Oh god, Scott yes".

Scott sucked a little longer and he slowly slid Mitch's length out of his mouth.

Scott kissed the tip of Mitch's cock before climbing up Mitch's body to meet his face.

Scott kissed him passionately, his hand caressing Mitch's neck.

Scott broke the kiss to reach over and go through the nightstand, grabbing lube and a condom.

Scott set the condom on the nightstand and popped the cap off the lube bottle.

Scott lubed up three fingers and slowly slid one into Mitch's entrance.

Mitch bit his lip and grabbed at the sheets below him. "Oh fuck".

Scott smirked and stuck another finger in, scissoring Mitch out.

Mitch whimpered. "Please, I need you". 

Scott stuck another finger in, pushing his fingers in and out of Mitch's entrance.

"SHIT". Mitch screamed.

Scott finally pulled his fingers out, lubing up his length and grabbed the condom. He slid the condom on and lined himself up with Mitch's entrance. "Ready Angel"? Scott asked.

Mitch nodded and Scott started to push in.

Mitch's hands went right for Scott's back, his arms going under Scott's arms and his nails digging into Scott's skin.

Scott bottomed out, making Mitch whine under him.

"P-please". Mitch forced out.

Scott pulled out and snapped his hips back in.

"OH GOD BABY". Mitch screamed out.

Scott started going at a medium pace before completely slamming into Mitch.

"YES BABY, FUCK ME- AHHHHH". Mitch continued to yell in pleasure.

Scott continued to slam into Mitch. Scott's hand slid under Mitch's hips to lift them up and give Scott a better angle.

Scott started to slam into him again.

"OH FUCK, YES BABY, FUCK ME THERE, SHIT". Mitch screamed as Scott hit his prostate.

Scott buried his face into Mitch's neck as he came close to his high.

Mitch coming close to his high as well.

"AHH-BABY IM GONNA- FUCK". Mitch yelled out as he came all over Scott's chest.

Scott buried his face into Mitch neck. "Fuck". He grunted as he hit his high.

Scott collapsed on top of Mitch, both of them laying there for a few seconds.

Scott slowly slid out of Mitch and fell beside Mitch on the bed.

Mitch looked to Scott. "Happy Birthday, Baby".

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