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No time for 'daily advice' I've left y'all without a chapter for too long.

Love y'all and hope you enjoy this chappy!!!!!!


Scott left because he'd gotten called into work. He walked in and threw his bag off his shoulder and onto ground beside his chair.

He sat down and opened his laptop, checking emails and answering them.

He checked the time, 2:30. He closed his laptop and got up, taking the elevator down and walking down the hall, into the meeting room.

He smiled at the rest of the workers, most of them being Betas and Alphas.

Scott sat down at the head of the table. "Alright, lets get started".

Jake smiled, "We were having a discusion and it came up that you were never told about why the war happened, is that correct"?

"Yes, i was never told but i did go through files and found out why".

"Oh okay, perfect. Just curious, what did you find"?

"It said the war was staged".

"Thats correct. Do you know why"?

"Yes. Alphas were killing humans and the humans demanded that ABO were killed. When the goverment didnt oblige, humans decided to have a war. The Counsel found out about it and created this place, moving ABO here and leaving some there to go to war".

"Yes. Well, we bring this up because, some humans have found out about it and are planning to tell everyone".

Scott pursed his lips and looked at everyone around the table. "And youre asking me what we should do"?

"Yes, Sir". Tori replied.

Scott nodded. "Can we bring the people here"?

Jake nodded. "Yes, we can. But well need some help".

"Great, who do we need"?

Everyone stayed silent, giving Scott an uneasy feeling. He looked around the table at everyones faces. Most people were biting their bottom lip and just looking at him.

Scott was confused as to why they wouldnt just tell him, then it became clear. He shook his head, "No, not happening".

"Please, Scott. He'd really help us out". Tori begged.

"No. He means too much to me and hes not going up there".

"Will you at least speak to him about it and think it over"? Jake asked.

Scott stared at his face for a minute, "Fine".

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